Thursday, February 07, 2008


Lets see.... After the ice storm it got warm and it all went away till yesterday, it came back... Hubby said the ride to work wasnt too bad, good areas and bad...

In family news, they are trying to drive me nuts I swear... My brother is on my shit list, what else is new... lets see his wifes boss is getting a divorce and cant stand to live with his mom so she mentions it to my mom and asks if he can live there for a few MONTHS, not weeks MONTHS... He will be paying some sort of rent... My mom is a place for strays, animals and human... I was so pissed off when i found this out and I think my sil has something going on with this guy, just a feeling both hubby and I get... I mentioned this to my brother that i wasnt happy with this and he needs to knock it off, he then blames his wife... I swear my brother had his nuts removed when he got married... He said he didnt care for this person didnt really trust him and now he is living in my moms house with my brother and sil... WTF And remember awhile back me mentioning my brother not willing to put my mom on his cell phone plan? Recap, mom wanted a cell phone for emergencys, asked brother he and his gf now wife said no... He goes and puts her one son who is under 10 on the cell plan, she doesnt have custody of her kids her mom does... Her mom lets her son borrow the phone and he runs up a couple of hundred dollars that i think they had to pay cause they couldnt get the money out of him... So the phone gets taken away... Now sil cousin needs a cell phone and they put her on the plan... WTF What about your own mother... I am sure her cousin will fuck her over and run a nice bill up and I will just laugh when it happens... I havent seen my brother or sil to tell them what i think of this one... My mom was nice enough to get me and hubby a cell contract cause our credit sucks and I didnt think twice about it I put my mom on our plan and WE pay her 20.00 bill every month... (lets not forget I do nothing for my mom)... My mom car wasnt starting either, and she asked me if she could borrow it, I gave her the keys the night before so she could just come over and take it... She doesnt want to ask my brother he always gives her a hard time... Hell she needed matches for something and he was being cheap about it couldnt spare the 5 bucks for the box... And I dont ask my mom for gas money when i take her someplace or have her put gas in my car... My brother would have his hand out if it was his car but he would not reach in his pocket if it was moms car... He bitches about living there and I told him the other day move out, you could have lived on your own for some time but you had to buy a 17,000.00 car... Nice to know where your prioritys are... You moved back in with mom so you could get your fancy little car, and not pay rent or anything cheap MF... Can ya tell he is a sore spot with me...

Ok something funny now... We have nights where hubby has to sleep on the couch is usually when the kids are sick or sleep schedule is off... That was this week, emma was running a fever again, more teeth coming in... And Rhi is a night owl again... Hubby was trying to sleep in our room I left the room for something... Rhi comes in the room and cant just climb into bed its over hubby she climbs... so he has her climbing over him to get to my side... Then emma comes into the room with a tube in her mouth that makes noises and right in hubbys face, doo doo doo doo... hubby comes in laughing i cant sleep in our room he is laughing, thank the goddess... I had a good chuckle about it myself... Kids are funny....

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