Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Emma and how did we start off her 1st birthday, me taking her to the ER with a 103.7 fever... I panicked gave her the tylenol but didnt wait for it to kick in by the time we got to the er and got into a room the fever broke... But she did get looked at and its viral so give meds for comfort and plenty of fluids... Its gotta run its course... Just a crappy way to turn one... She is finally sleeping for a bit though which is good, she needs to be near me though she doesnt want to sleep alone... Well I am going to try and get some sleep...


Joy aka GoddessJoy said...

Happy Birthday Emma!! Happy Birthday to mom and dad too! I hope you guys are getting some good rest, babe. *hugs*

Ohjeeze said...

Happy B-day Emma. What is it about kids? They just have to be sick on their first birthday. My daughter was as well. If it helps, my kid has had higher fevers than that. Once it went over 104 and she had convulsions. Kids can tolerate higher fevers than we can.