Friday, June 29, 2007

What a day....

It didn't start out too bad. Got up around 10, fed the little ones, we watched movies, had a slight headache and back was bothering me but I was ok... Then my brother called me, he and his wife were fighting again, surprise surprise... I am torn, at times i want to get involved and other times I dont... I know they both dont tell me everything so i cant believe it all... I dont like to see my brother upset though... He wound up here a little while after his phone call with one of the kids they have custody of... He was ranting, and i listened, the boy did say it is bad at the house, that sil isnt a nice person all the time and he is scared of her... That she fights with my brother all the time and if my brother is in a good mood she looks to put him in a bad mood or depress him... My brother said today that he didnt want to get married he felt forced, he says he told her and the minister that he didnt want to get married that he felt he wasnt ready, I dont think he told them this... Bro has a problem with telling the truth... Like todays argument was how she takes all the money and he has no money and nothing to pay his bills with... He mentions that the checks are in his name and i ask him how is she cashing them then, he is signing them and giving them to her... I was like hello , dont sign them... He then calls her from here on his cell, puts her on speaker phone a few times, I really didnt hear her yelling at him like he says she does... What i did hear and see was my brother loose it... I told Rhi to go in my room cause i didnt want her seeing him yell like that... He then hung up on her and said he was leaving, I told him calm down , do not leave here if you are upset and dont drive upset... He said he was fine, he backed out of my driveway ok it was the peeling down the hill that had me worried, not only was he in the car he had a kid in the car and driving like that... I get a phone call a little later, he wants me to talk to her, so sil gets on the phone, i find out he was driving like an ass, almost flipped his truck, he then tries to say sil tried to run him off the road, she was like how did i do that when you were driving up behind me doing like 90, how did i run you off the road? Then he starts fighting with the kids, sil tells him he needs to go for a walk and calm down, i told her she needs to keep an eye on him cause he did say he is sick of the fighting and wishes he was dead... But after talking to sil i find out the reason she has the money is she is paying the bills, she had to go to the store that my brother buys gas and cigs from and pay the bounced checks he has been writing or they are having him arrested... Find out he does this alot... Find out he keeps overdrafting on his checking account because he thinks the overdraft float he has he can use when he has no money... So here is all that middle shit he leaves out ... So i was annoyed with him... He did get back on the phone and i told him he needs to get his act together... I told him you dont drive when you are angry, and you dont drive angry when you have a child in the car with you... I told you not to drive, he then tells me i should have taken his keys, I told him NO I should not have to take his keys and he should act like a grown man and not a child... I guess they talked later and she explained things to him and now he understands where the money goes, etc etc, my brother has a problem comprehending things and sometimes needs things explained a few different ways before he gets it...

The rest of the afternoon wasnt too bad, other than my headache was now worse and my back was killing me , dont think the stress was any help ...

Well think i rambled on long enough...

Stay tuned for the next chapter of the soap opera i call my family, lol

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