Monday, November 13, 2006

Its monday and nothing too exciting, i didnt get half of what i wanted to get done today... I had my doc visit, that went ok except baby associates the nurse with needles so she just see's her and starts to cry... She got a bit upset when the doc came in and i stood up but she was good after that, she even helped the doc with listening to the baby... She let her hold the speaker to the monitor... Baby loved it... Then the nurse had to come in to give me my shot and baby cried for that... She cried louder when i got my shot even though i kept telling her it was for me and it was ok... I did find out that my doc is getting married, i remember when i was in giving birth for R and all the nurses were wondering if her bf would pop the question... So i get to meet with one of the other docs for my next two week visit, i dont think i have ever really seen him though... Doc says my blood sugars are great, so i am doing good there and in a few weeks i will get another ultrasound to see how big the baby is...

After the doc visit we ran to kmart and the grocery store to pick up some things we needed... I really didnt do alot today but boy is my body hurting... My back was clicking so bad thru the grocery store... I stopped by my moms to see if i had any mail and he and his gf were there so i volenteered him to come over and carry my packages in for me... :) So i didnt have to run around and try and grab everything and get little one in the house... That was my exciting day...

hugs to all

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