Sunday, December 31, 2006
Not much going on here for New Years Eve... We did run out to do shopping and get some things we needed... I did too much my ankles are so swollen... Baby did pretty good while out she enjoyed herself... We used the stroller so she could look around... We took her to taco bell too she loves her soft taco's... Otherwise nothing much going on... Have a Happy and safe New Years...
Friday, December 29, 2006
Well the week is over... And boy has it been an exhausting one... Between the holidays, being sick, work, pregnancy and not getting a lot of sleep i am just beat... I had my weekly doc visit... I was pulled from work so maybe i can get some rest in and get to feeling better... It still looks like i will be having a c section... I have my weekly visit next week with my doc and the other doc in the office that does the c sections will be there too... Told hubby the date and time so he can be there so maybe i wont feel so scared... I am nervous about it but baby is still in the same position so gotta do what we gotta do... Hubby just went out to get us subs from subway i was craving a blt with sweet onion sauce... Yummy...
Sunday, December 24, 2006
It's Christmas Eve, i cant believe it... Where did the time go? We got most of the presents wrapped last night... I wrapped hubbys and let baby R help... I did the wrapping and i gave her santa stickers for her to put on the packages... She had so much fun... I need to add bows to babys presents, we tried to use all the shiney paper for her presents... I hope she has fun, I think she will... Hubby ran out for last minute stuff... We ran out last night for cold meds to walmart and i was surprised it really wasnt that busy... Go in for cold meds and somehow spent another 100 bucks on mostly stuff for baby... Hubby and I didnt realize how much we had all ready gotten her till i organized everything last night ... Hubby was like she is going to have over load and where the hell are we putting all this stuff lol... And thats just the stuff from us, that doesnt include the stuff from my family, his family etc... I think this year will be fun, last year baby didnt understand and her favorite thing was a 99 cent pandana bear teether... We never did get to make cookies, everytime we went to the store we forgot to look up what ingredients we needed... So maybe next year or maybe we will just make cookies one weekend for the hell of it... Plus my due date is coming up and i will be home with the new baby and R, and i just want to do so many things while home... I am looking foward to this... Oh well i am going to run... Going to relax a bit, still not sleeping well with this cold so naps are a good thing right now... Hugs to all and a very Merry Christmas, stay safe, have fun and enjoy your family time...
Saturday, December 23, 2006
When it rains it pours... I have been coming down with a cold the last few days, well last night every time i tried to go to sleep i felt like i couldnt breath... I also the past few days havent gotten a lot of sleep, so that hasnt helped either... So instead of having hubby get baby R up and dressed i took myself back to the hospital at 5am or so to go to the er... I was in there till after 7am... They took some x-rays, listed to my chest, they were ok but i have been loosing my voice i cant cough up the crap in my chest so i got a breathing treatment... The doc said he wanted me on antibiotics just to be on the safe side with me so close to my due date... My sinuses are inflamed, my right ear is red the x-rays might have been clear but i am congested... My poor nose is so red and dried out... Thank the goddess for tissues with lotion in them or my nose would be in worse shape... Hubby is going to pick up my script right now so i am hoping by tomorrow i start to feel a bit better... I havent been around anyone who hasnt been feeling well but like mom said the weather has been weird, going in and out of stores, and touching shopping carts etc i could have picked up something...
Friday, December 22, 2006
I cant believe i have a cold... I hate being sick, and i really hate being sick around the holidays... I am hoping the cold will run its course quickly... I also had a migraine yesturday i havent had one of those in some time, so cold and migraine i was misserable yesturday... Then today I called to talk to the doc to tell her about how my stomach has been tightening and i have been having sharp pains down there... She told me to go to the maternity ward to be monitored... I was there for a few hours, then doc came in after one and then she checked me to see if i was dilating... Owie... And i wasnt dilated... And baby still is not head down... I think i am going to wind up having a c-section...
I havent wrapped any presents yet, that will be tomorrows goal after work... i have to stop at the store too on the way home just to get a few last minute things... Sunday and monday will be busy days... Sunday wont be too bad, its just going to my moms to exchange gifts and have dinner... Monday on the other hand, will start at hubbys dads for breakfast then gifts when everyone gets there... Then it will be over to his moms for gifts and i am not sure about food, and then maybe his grandmothers, hopefully it wont be too late by the time we are done because i have work the next day.... We shall see...
I havent wrapped any presents yet, that will be tomorrows goal after work... i have to stop at the store too on the way home just to get a few last minute things... Sunday and monday will be busy days... Sunday wont be too bad, its just going to my moms to exchange gifts and have dinner... Monday on the other hand, will start at hubbys dads for breakfast then gifts when everyone gets there... Then it will be over to his moms for gifts and i am not sure about food, and then maybe his grandmothers, hopefully it wont be too late by the time we are done because i have work the next day.... We shall see...
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Today wasnt a very exciting day... I have been tired but in good spirits... I got a card today from another friend i havent talked to in a long time, it was good to hear from her and see how grow her 3 youngest are... I havent seen her kids in years and i was just amazed at how grown they are... Beautiful kids too... I havent sent out any xmas holiday cards, i just didnt think of it... Brain cells are not working too well lately lol... I also dont know how much longer i will be able to go to work i am hurting when i have to walk to the bathroom... My stomach gets so tight... 27 days till babys due date... Where did the time go?
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
I got a surprise today... Someone i went to school with found me thru classmates and emailed me i have been trying to track her down as well but she wasnt alway on classmates... Must be pretty recent... So i sent her an email and hopefully we can get in touch and chat on the phone... She now lives in west virgina with her dad... I also see our 20 year reunion is coming up... Ugh... i cant believe its been that long... Wow... I dont know if i would really want to go, i hated most of the people i went to school with, and a lot of the ones i did talk to i dont talk to now... Who knows...
Monday, December 18, 2006
36 weeks and counting... Had an ultrasound today to see how the baby is doing and how big she is... she is right now at 6lbs 11oz so they are not thinking of inducing me... But the baby is on her back covering where she needs to come out... So i might have to have a c-section if she doesnt go into position... I had a feeling she wasnt in the right position with the way i feel her... I never felt R this way... So I am a little nervous... The thought of surgery like that is a little mind blowing... I know lots of women have these done, but i am still scared if i have to have one... Everything eles looks great... You could even see that she has a lot of hair all ready... That old tale that if you have lots of heartburn your going to have a baby with a head full of hair, it might be true for this one... It was kinda neat to see all the fuzz sticking up on her head... I did have the lady make sure it was a girl, since the last ultrasound i had was at 18 weeks... So the name Emma Sophia is still good lol... I did have a list of boys names like last time just in case... Oh well i should get back to decorating our tree... Hubby is out putting lights up... We are sooooooooooooooooooooooo behind this year its not even funny... Next year hopfully we will be more on the ball... I think having the fake tree will help too... we never want to get it too early in fear of it drying out but now with a fake one we wont have to worry... LOL
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Today was one of those days i just couldnt seen to get my butt out of bed... I think it has to do with the muscle relaxers the doc gave me too and being pregnant... I totally forgot about the afternoon with santa and i wish hubby would have reminded me and i would have gotten up earlier... We got there late and santa was getting ready to leave... Did get a pic with R and santa but she is crying she was scared of him... Next year i will make sure i get up early... R had fun with the kids though they were running around having a good time... We then went to kmart, got R more things, got for my niece and nephew and hubbys niece... We also decided we were getting a fake tree... Normally we have a real one and yes its nice not to have to store anything but this tree we got is nice, we dont have to worry about it falling over, anchoring it to the wall, putting water in it, picking pine needles out of the carpet for months after the thing has been removed... So tomorrow after all my appointments we will get to decorate it... We are really behind this year in getting the tree up etc... I dont know where the time goes... Oh well time to go relax and try to get to bed... hugs to all
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Yeah its my weekend... I never thought today would end...I was dragging all day... I think it had something to do with the pills the doc gave me... I have a big knot in my back and it just kept getting worse... I couldnt sit back in anything it would hurt too bad.. Driving was a chore... So i went to see the doc yesturday and she gave me some muscle relaxers... Its helping but i can only take them in the evening... Ive been trying to keep busy... Ive been making things here and there... We've been working also on getting things organized for when the new baby gets here... One of my ebay auctions that i have been waiting for since nov 25th finally got here today... I was happy , it was a little tike horse that i knew R would love since the baby sitter has one too... I couldnt wait till xmas i gave it to her now... She has been zooming all over the house on it and had to have it up on the bed with her... It was so cute... We then fell asleep for a bit... I love when she falls asleep next to me all cuddled up.... I guess i am a little crazy i am looking forward to getting let go at work when they close the cc... I will be able to stay home for awhile with my girls... Oh well i think i am going to make a mini bag of popcorn and go relax... Hugs to all
Sunday, December 10, 2006
I forgot how tired I could get towards the end... We went to the mall today to do some shopping, we made it to two stores outside the mall and then about halfway thru the mall before i was ready to fall asleep... I felt bad cause hubby wanted to look around and i was going to push myself but i just couldnt do it... When hubby went to walmart i stayed in the car with the baby... Ive been waddling around the house since we got home and there is so much to do and i just cant... Tomorrow i will work on the baby clothes... Hubby has tuesday off so i am hoping he can get some painting in and get the cardboard and papers burned... I am such a pack rat its not funny... But I'm working on that...We are limited on storage space and thats what hurts in the end... But then i go on a cleaning spree or figure out a way to make things work for the time being...
Monday, December 04, 2006
Ok i did way too much today... Last night hubby moved all the boxes out of the spare room that will be the new babys room, he then put the crib in there and put R's toddler bed together and then he moved the furniture around... How cute are toddler beds... Everytime i look at it i am like awwww its so cute, lol... So i spent a good chunk of today going thru boxes, going thru papers, etc... I washed two rubbermaid totes filled with baby clothes to go thru and organize and put in the new babys room... I am now working on my and R's laundry... My back is killing me... I just hope i sleep tonight i am so tired but it seems i have to pee every hour... Its about 6 weeks till my due date... I think i will be getting another ultrasound soon to see how big the baby is to see if i need to be induced early again... I think i am going to go relax for a bit... I am really tired... hugs to all
Friday, December 01, 2006
Things have veen ok here... I went to the doctors yesturday for my follow up... My protein levels are fine... I had a trace but not the +1 of the other day and the doc thinks they might have had a bad batch of sticks because they had 2 or 3 other women besides me that tested for protein... He said one yeah, two maybe more than that in one day, something is up... Plus i didnt have any of the other signs... So thats good news... Otherwise nothing much going on...I took yesturday off and i did nothing that i had planned... I wanted to go to the newage store, walmart, etc and i just stayed in bed till i had to get up... I think i just needed the time alone and rest... I was so tired this week... I am hoping that the bad weather we are supose to have come our way doesnt hit till after i leave work and i get home safe and sound... there was a tree knocked down due to the winds whipping around... Oh well nothing much eles to report, i am going to go drink my tea, write up a bit more crystal info then hit the hay... Hugs and love to all...
Monday, November 27, 2006
Didnt do much today... I couldnt sleep last night and neither could the baby she kept waking up crying so i at one point went in made sure her diaper was fresh and got some blankets and a pillow and made a bed on the floor next to her bed... Well she wound up on the floor with me and she loves the blankets on the floor, she has been laying there watching tv etc... So i put a sleeping bag on her xmas list...
Hubby put my new cabnit together while i was out at the doctors... I put a good chunk of my witchy books and other things in it... I havent decided yet if i want to paint it or stain it... We shall see...
Everything at the doctors was ok except my urine... they found protein in it... So i have to go back in at the end of the day and have another test to see where it is and that i dont have toximia starting... I dont have any of the other signs but doc wants to keep an eye on it... My reg doc is on her honeymoon so i am seeing the the other doc in the office... He seems nice...
I got my bead order from firemountain gems today... I was so excited... I love getting beads and findings to make stuff... So now i have to make up some other designs now with all the new stuff i got...
Oh well i am going to relax...Its only 8:30 but i am tired.... hugs go all
Hubby put my new cabnit together while i was out at the doctors... I put a good chunk of my witchy books and other things in it... I havent decided yet if i want to paint it or stain it... We shall see...
Everything at the doctors was ok except my urine... they found protein in it... So i have to go back in at the end of the day and have another test to see where it is and that i dont have toximia starting... I dont have any of the other signs but doc wants to keep an eye on it... My reg doc is on her honeymoon so i am seeing the the other doc in the office... He seems nice...
I got my bead order from firemountain gems today... I was so excited... I love getting beads and findings to make stuff... So now i have to make up some other designs now with all the new stuff i got...
Oh well i am going to relax...Its only 8:30 but i am tired.... hugs go all
Saturday, November 25, 2006
I had a really rough night last night sleeping... Every move i hurt... I definatly did way too much walking yesturday... I stayed home from work today just to rest... I wont be doing anything like that again...
I did get to talk to Salem today... I gave her a buzz while i was relaxing in bed... So we chatted for sometime...It was good to get a chance to talk to her...Its been awhile...
Hubby isnt doing too well today, his stomach is bothering him... I am wondering if he had the stomach bug his dad had at the begining of the week... If i would have known his dad was sick this week i wouldnt have gone over there...So i pray what ever he has baby and I dont get it... He was running a fever too but that broke a few hours later but we'll keep an eye on that...
I have been waiting for all my beads from the new order to get here... I am so impatient... I did also find the horse by little tike that they dont make anymore on ebay... The baby sitter has one and Baby loves that thing... You should see her scoot thru her house... Its so cute... So I found only one on ebay and i won it so it will be here sometime this week... She will have to wait till xmas to get it...
I did walk over to my moms this afternoon to get mail... I guess she needed to vent... And then i think she gets annoyed with me cause i dont sugar coat anything i say to her... My brother and sister are just pains in the ass... My brother has the nerve to make comments about what my sister spends her money on or when she asks my mom for money but then i hear what he has done and its the same damn thing... Guess he likes to dish out the crap but doesnt see how much his is like her too... I told my mom today she needs to knock it off... They are both adults... They need to start acting like it... When we were driving home last night after running into sis and her hubby and kids i just told rich i am so happy we dont have a life like them or like my brother and his gf... My mom said the latest argument my brother had with gf he jumped out of a moving vehicle... I just dont get it... If there is so much bad, and your hurting yourself, get the hell out... But they dont they stay in it.... Its annoying and i dont feel sorry for them anymore... They have choices to make and dont do it... So guess they are going to have to live with...
Ok. think i rambled on long enough....
I did get to talk to Salem today... I gave her a buzz while i was relaxing in bed... So we chatted for sometime...It was good to get a chance to talk to her...Its been awhile...
Hubby isnt doing too well today, his stomach is bothering him... I am wondering if he had the stomach bug his dad had at the begining of the week... If i would have known his dad was sick this week i wouldnt have gone over there...So i pray what ever he has baby and I dont get it... He was running a fever too but that broke a few hours later but we'll keep an eye on that...
I have been waiting for all my beads from the new order to get here... I am so impatient... I did also find the horse by little tike that they dont make anymore on ebay... The baby sitter has one and Baby loves that thing... You should see her scoot thru her house... Its so cute... So I found only one on ebay and i won it so it will be here sometime this week... She will have to wait till xmas to get it...
I did walk over to my moms this afternoon to get mail... I guess she needed to vent... And then i think she gets annoyed with me cause i dont sugar coat anything i say to her... My brother and sister are just pains in the ass... My brother has the nerve to make comments about what my sister spends her money on or when she asks my mom for money but then i hear what he has done and its the same damn thing... Guess he likes to dish out the crap but doesnt see how much his is like her too... I told my mom today she needs to knock it off... They are both adults... They need to start acting like it... When we were driving home last night after running into sis and her hubby and kids i just told rich i am so happy we dont have a life like them or like my brother and his gf... My mom said the latest argument my brother had with gf he jumped out of a moving vehicle... I just dont get it... If there is so much bad, and your hurting yourself, get the hell out... But they dont they stay in it.... Its annoying and i dont feel sorry for them anymore... They have choices to make and dont do it... So guess they are going to have to live with...
Ok. think i rambled on long enough....
Hubby and I braved the shopping centers and went out on black friday... Parking was insane but for the most part it wasnt too bad... A few rude people but not as bad as it could have been... I did get a new toy today, i got a new laptop. An HP pavilion dv9010us widescreen... So i have spent most of the night trying to get that ready... I got hubby his EQ upgrade too today and got the baby some clothes today... Hit Joann's etc and got this curio cabnit i wanted, I am going to use it for witchy books, and things... I should be able to display my crystals and not worry about baby getting them... I'll get a latch for the top so she cant open it... I did way too much today though and i am paying for it... Just getting out of bed to go to the bathroom is torcher... Oh well i should run, its almost 4:30 in the morning... I did fall asleep for a few hours I need to try and get some more sleep... Hope everyone had a happy thanksgiving... HUGS
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Not much going on around here today... Finally finished all the laundry now just need to put it all away... Hubby did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen up since i cant stand for too long periods... My back really bothered me this morning, so bad it was shooting pain down my legs... So i did some crafts this morning and online looking at laptops and macs... I have some money and i am not sure what i want... This laptop i am on is over 3 years old... We went looking on sunday but i would like to have more choices to compare what is out there... Also i would like learn how a mac works but i dont know if i want to spend that kind of money, what if i dont like it...? So we might go up to buffalo this friday, they have a mac store up there and maybe look around...
I got up at one time this morning to check on baby and there she was sleeping in her bed with her blanket wrapped around her and her head cushioned on her stuffed little nemo... I wanted to take a picture but i didnt want to wake her up so i refrained... She hasnt been feeling well so when she does fall asleep i let her sleep for as long as she wants or needs...
I got up at one time this morning to check on baby and there she was sleeping in her bed with her blanket wrapped around her and her head cushioned on her stuffed little nemo... I wanted to take a picture but i didnt want to wake her up so i refrained... She hasnt been feeling well so when she does fall asleep i let her sleep for as long as she wants or needs...
Monday, November 20, 2006
I'm feeling kinda restless... Bored... I am not sure what to do with myself... Ive been feeling off all day... We went to kmart to pick up a few things and baby hasnt been feeling well has the sniffles and she was a beast when we had to leave... She didnt want to put her coat on and she let the whole store know... I finally got her coat on, but i lost it leaving the store... I just started crying... Not really sure what brought the whole thing on... Hormones from being pregnant... ? I havent been taking my prozac, that could be part of it... I just keep forgetting to take it... I need to get better with that...
I found that the cats did get one of the mice they have been playing with... Founds its dead little body under the kitchen table... I try to get them away from the cat and put them back outside but they just never held onto it long enough for me to get a box or pick them up and put them and mouse outside...
Oh well i need to finish some laundry... hugs and love
I found that the cats did get one of the mice they have been playing with... Founds its dead little body under the kitchen table... I try to get them away from the cat and put them back outside but they just never held onto it long enough for me to get a box or pick them up and put them and mouse outside...
Oh well i need to finish some laundry... hugs and love
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Its my friday, and i am so glad its here... I am only working 2 days next week, so i get a nice weekend and the holiday and black friday off... I need it, i have been so tired this week its not funny... Work hasnt been too bad... I enjoy the ladies i sit with... One of the ladys her sister was pregnant and due in january too, she developed preclampsia and they had to take the baby early she was born weighing 2 lbs 7oz... So tiny but she is breathing on her own and no feeding tubs... just heart monitors and a few other things... So her sister and baby are doing good...
Hunting season started so it was watching out for running deer this morning and idiots in the road with guns... I have nothing against hunting season, but use your head, you dont need to be standing in the middle of the road or come out of the woods on your 4-wheeler like a maniac...
Not totally sure what our plans are for the holidays, think it will be going between three houses... Wonder if my sister will be coming over... I doubt her husband will, i cant stand him... I am amazed though my sister finally went out and got a job... I think my brother said she is working at arbys... Hey any job is a plus... Great if she could afford to be a stay at home mom but they couldnt, they couldnt pay bills some months, didnt have enough money for food, or gas, etc... Hello if you cant take care of your family then its time to go back to work and suck it up... I still cant believe she screwed that nursing home job she had years back, up... They re-trained her , got her certified and she would have been making decent money and had benefits... My sister though over reacts and she had a bad day, said she quit and walked out, when she came back in to explain things they didnt want to hear it... It wasnt the first time she did that either... So now its either retail for her or fast food, any place that would hire teenagers since she never graduated high school... I just hope she keeps the job and then leaves my mom alone... She will bad mouth my mom and give her shit but my sister has no problem asking for money or food... Between her and my brother i think they expect my mom to always take care of them... Some day they will both have a rude awakening to the world... Oh well....
I have just been relaxing last few days, been uncomfortable... baby is so active i think she is trying to push her way out... So i have been watching movies, and making up designs... I got a new shipment of beads in today with the goddess pendants i wanted, i love those little things... I also got some wolf heads, not sure what i am doing with those... I hope all my other beads will be in by next week... Too many ideas floating around my head and on paper... I just love doing it though... I think we are going to the mall tomorrow to do some xmas shopping and some other things...
Well baby is up in my ribs so i think i am going to lay down see if i can get her out of there... if not at least its a little more comfortable than sitting up...
Hugs to all
Hunting season started so it was watching out for running deer this morning and idiots in the road with guns... I have nothing against hunting season, but use your head, you dont need to be standing in the middle of the road or come out of the woods on your 4-wheeler like a maniac...
Not totally sure what our plans are for the holidays, think it will be going between three houses... Wonder if my sister will be coming over... I doubt her husband will, i cant stand him... I am amazed though my sister finally went out and got a job... I think my brother said she is working at arbys... Hey any job is a plus... Great if she could afford to be a stay at home mom but they couldnt, they couldnt pay bills some months, didnt have enough money for food, or gas, etc... Hello if you cant take care of your family then its time to go back to work and suck it up... I still cant believe she screwed that nursing home job she had years back, up... They re-trained her , got her certified and she would have been making decent money and had benefits... My sister though over reacts and she had a bad day, said she quit and walked out, when she came back in to explain things they didnt want to hear it... It wasnt the first time she did that either... So now its either retail for her or fast food, any place that would hire teenagers since she never graduated high school... I just hope she keeps the job and then leaves my mom alone... She will bad mouth my mom and give her shit but my sister has no problem asking for money or food... Between her and my brother i think they expect my mom to always take care of them... Some day they will both have a rude awakening to the world... Oh well....
I have just been relaxing last few days, been uncomfortable... baby is so active i think she is trying to push her way out... So i have been watching movies, and making up designs... I got a new shipment of beads in today with the goddess pendants i wanted, i love those little things... I also got some wolf heads, not sure what i am doing with those... I hope all my other beads will be in by next week... Too many ideas floating around my head and on paper... I just love doing it though... I think we are going to the mall tomorrow to do some xmas shopping and some other things...
Well baby is up in my ribs so i think i am going to lay down see if i can get her out of there... if not at least its a little more comfortable than sitting up...
Hugs to all
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Nothing much going on here, its been raining so hard i cant get over it... Worried that tomorrow there will be flooding ... I wish my weekend was here all ready i just want to relax i have been really tired this week... Baby E is kicking up a storm i think she didnt like what i had for dinner... lol... We went to walmart tonight after work, hubby wanted to see if the new expansion pack for everquest was there... Of course they didnt have it... They did have people lining up for the new playstation, it was not even 6pm yet... People are crazy sometimes lol... We picked up some things we needed and some extra things... I was happy to see that walmart actually had some toddler beds in the store... I thought i was going to to have to order it online... Hubby woke this morning to baby crying she was ontop of her changing table... So this weekend we are getting one of those.. And then we will move the crib into the new baby's room... oh well i think i am off to bed... hugs and love
Monday, November 13, 2006
Its monday and nothing too exciting, i didnt get half of what i wanted to get done today... I had my doc visit, that went ok except baby associates the nurse with needles so she just see's her and starts to cry... She got a bit upset when the doc came in and i stood up but she was good after that, she even helped the doc with listening to the baby... She let her hold the speaker to the monitor... Baby loved it... Then the nurse had to come in to give me my shot and baby cried for that... She cried louder when i got my shot even though i kept telling her it was for me and it was ok... I did find out that my doc is getting married, i remember when i was in giving birth for R and all the nurses were wondering if her bf would pop the question... So i get to meet with one of the other docs for my next two week visit, i dont think i have ever really seen him though... Doc says my blood sugars are great, so i am doing good there and in a few weeks i will get another ultrasound to see how big the baby is...
After the doc visit we ran to kmart and the grocery store to pick up some things we needed... I really didnt do alot today but boy is my body hurting... My back was clicking so bad thru the grocery store... I stopped by my moms to see if i had any mail and he and his gf were there so i volenteered him to come over and carry my packages in for me... :) So i didnt have to run around and try and grab everything and get little one in the house... That was my exciting day...
hugs to all
After the doc visit we ran to kmart and the grocery store to pick up some things we needed... I really didnt do alot today but boy is my body hurting... My back was clicking so bad thru the grocery store... I stopped by my moms to see if i had any mail and he and his gf were there so i volenteered him to come over and carry my packages in for me... :) So i didnt have to run around and try and grab everything and get little one in the house... That was my exciting day...
hugs to all
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Today wasnt anything exciting... Spent a good part of the day hanging out in bed with baby... We watched tv and some movies, it was a nice day... Hubby was helping his sister with something so he was gone for most of the day...
I had wanted to make things today i just couldnt make up my mind what i wanted to do... I waited for hubby to come home so it was a bit easier since baby likes to play with my things... So i played around a bit and made two things... I also have been going thru fire mountain gems site to see what goodies they have... I have a shopping cart going right now and i dont think i can afford everything i have on it but we shall see...
Been trying to get christmas lists together so we know what to get everyone... I just want to do it and get it over with... Then concentrate on things for the baby...
We really need to get working on the new baby's room... I was playing around during the week how i would make our house bigger if we had the money to do it... I like making floor plans, lol... Its like when i do the prayer beads i like to draw things out and i like to draw what attachments i have for them... I was upset when we went to target last weekend that they didnt have the notebooks i like to keep my designs and crystal info in... So now i will have to find something eles... I will have to go to staples or something... The books i have that i like are long length wise and short width wise, they also have graph paper in the back...
I have a prenatal visit tomorrow... I hope baby will let me put her down this time... One time i had to hold her thru the whole visit... So we shall see... Oh well i should run... Hugs and love to all....
I had wanted to make things today i just couldnt make up my mind what i wanted to do... I waited for hubby to come home so it was a bit easier since baby likes to play with my things... So i played around a bit and made two things... I also have been going thru fire mountain gems site to see what goodies they have... I have a shopping cart going right now and i dont think i can afford everything i have on it but we shall see...
Been trying to get christmas lists together so we know what to get everyone... I just want to do it and get it over with... Then concentrate on things for the baby...
We really need to get working on the new baby's room... I was playing around during the week how i would make our house bigger if we had the money to do it... I like making floor plans, lol... Its like when i do the prayer beads i like to draw things out and i like to draw what attachments i have for them... I was upset when we went to target last weekend that they didnt have the notebooks i like to keep my designs and crystal info in... So now i will have to find something eles... I will have to go to staples or something... The books i have that i like are long length wise and short width wise, they also have graph paper in the back...
I have a prenatal visit tomorrow... I hope baby will let me put her down this time... One time i had to hold her thru the whole visit... So we shall see... Oh well i should run... Hugs and love to all....
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Its my friday thank the goddess... I didnt think i would make it thru today... Usually by work day 5 my back hurts so bad... I lucked out and my sup took me off the phones for about an hour which gave me time to stretch and feel a little better... Those chairs in the call center are murder on your back... All in all it wasnt a bad day... I do have one word of advice to internet users, when you call your internet provider its because you cant connect to the net... We are not trained in every piece of software or harware out there so when you can surf on the net but your printer wont print the page you need CALL YOUR DAMN PRINTER COMPANY not your ISP... Also dont put the person down that you are talking to who isnt trained on everything under the sun because your too STUPID to know how your stuff works or your too STUPID that you dont know who to call... It kills me the people that call in and think we should trouble shoot it all... Why dont you take the time to learn how your crap works... Gotta love the people who call in i dont know how to send an email, or how to shrink a picture or how do i make an attachment etc... Your programs have a lovely little button in the upper corner its called the HELP button... Dont be so afraid to try and play around with things, whats the worst that will happen? it wont work? Or you might just teach yourself something... Get a book, take a class, have your kid who probably is smarter than you teach you how to use the expensive toy you just bought... Oh and dont use the I'm 80 years old card... If you feel your too old then dont buy the damn thing and get on the net, you dont deserve to be on it... Age is not to be used because your too lazy to learn something... Whew... ok rant over for now...
Thursday, November 09, 2006
I am so tired this week, i feel like i am dragging tush... two more days of work... I feel so huge some days... lol
Work is going ok, I am taking the new calls for about 2 weeks now, some calls i feel confident others i am like what the hell do i do with this person... Help desk is my friend... I spent the last 30 min doing my open enrollment for our medical benifits ... Thankfully i looked over all the paperwork all ready so i know what i wanted... the insurance is more expensive but the coverage is better so i took it... I also enrolled in a fsa account (flexible spending account) for copays and medications... I put 300.00 into it for the year i am not sure how much i would need for the year so 3 sounded like a good number... Its just nice cause you get the card in the beginning of the year and if i need to get meds or tylenol etc i know i will have money i dont have to worry about coming up with it... Just made sense to try it...
The weather has been warmer here than normal november weather... I wish it felt more like fall... I have to remember this monday at my bi-weekly prenatal appointment to get my flu shot... I have to make my list out cause i know i will forget, lol...
Well going to run baby is climbing all over me and i want to play for a bit... hugs to all
Work is going ok, I am taking the new calls for about 2 weeks now, some calls i feel confident others i am like what the hell do i do with this person... Help desk is my friend... I spent the last 30 min doing my open enrollment for our medical benifits ... Thankfully i looked over all the paperwork all ready so i know what i wanted... the insurance is more expensive but the coverage is better so i took it... I also enrolled in a fsa account (flexible spending account) for copays and medications... I put 300.00 into it for the year i am not sure how much i would need for the year so 3 sounded like a good number... Its just nice cause you get the card in the beginning of the year and if i need to get meds or tylenol etc i know i will have money i dont have to worry about coming up with it... Just made sense to try it...
The weather has been warmer here than normal november weather... I wish it felt more like fall... I have to remember this monday at my bi-weekly prenatal appointment to get my flu shot... I have to make my list out cause i know i will forget, lol...
Well going to run baby is climbing all over me and i want to play for a bit... hugs to all
I am so tired this week, i feel like i am dragging tush... two more days of work... I feel so huge some days... lol
Work is going ok, I am taking the new calls for about 2 weeks now, some calls i feel confident others i am like what the hell do i do with this person... Help desk is my friend... I spent the last 30 min doing my open enrollment for our medical benifits ... Thankfully i looked over all the paperwork all ready so i know what i wanted... the insurance is more expensive but the coverage is better so i took it... I also enrolled in a fsa account (flexible spending account) for copays and medications... I put 300.00 into it for the year i am not sure how much i would need for the year so 3 sounded like a good number... Its just nice cause you get the card in the beginning of the year and if i need to get meds or tylenol etc i know i will have money i dont have to worry about coming up with it... Just made sense to try it...
The weather has been warmer here than normal november weather... I wish it felt more like fall... I have to remember this monday at my bi-weekly prenatal appointment to get my flu shot... I have to make my list out cause i know i will forget, lol...
Well going to run baby is climbing all over me and i want to play for a bit... hugs to all
Work is going ok, I am taking the new calls for about 2 weeks now, some calls i feel confident others i am like what the hell do i do with this person... Help desk is my friend... I spent the last 30 min doing my open enrollment for our medical benifits ... Thankfully i looked over all the paperwork all ready so i know what i wanted... the insurance is more expensive but the coverage is better so i took it... I also enrolled in a fsa account (flexible spending account) for copays and medications... I put 300.00 into it for the year i am not sure how much i would need for the year so 3 sounded like a good number... Its just nice cause you get the card in the beginning of the year and if i need to get meds or tylenol etc i know i will have money i dont have to worry about coming up with it... Just made sense to try it...
The weather has been warmer here than normal november weather... I wish it felt more like fall... I have to remember this monday at my bi-weekly prenatal appointment to get my flu shot... I have to make my list out cause i know i will forget, lol...
Well going to run baby is climbing all over me and i want to play for a bit... hugs to all
Sunday, November 05, 2006
We headed out to the mall today... Figured it would be a nice day out and the weather was nice as well... So we hit the craft store, I got more beads, lol... Then we went to old navy got some clearance things for the R, and some socks, they have them with the rubber stuff on the bottom so i like them for the house so i know she wont go flying when she runs down the hall... Petco had some kind of kitten adoption going on out front of the store so while i sat on the bench petting the ladys dog, R and hubby went over to the kittens and she just had a ball... We didnt go to half the stores over there i just get way too tired too fast... They actually opened a macys in the mall but i just wasnt up to it... Maybe next time... I didnt even get to the bookstore to see if they had any other crystal books... We did get to the super walmart though, we havent been there in some time and the whole store is redone and rearranged... I didnt know where anything was, the craft section looks so much smaller now...
Well it didnt take long my brother went back to the gf... My mom said she would tell me about it tomorrow she didnt want to talk about it yet... I guess he likes being misserable...
Funny thing tonight hubby comes into the bedroom and tells me i have to see what the baby did, he couldnt just tell me cause it would loose the funniness of it... He told me to go into the kitchen and look at the sliding doors... There stuck to the door was the oreo cookie she was eating earlier i guess she was done with it ? Or maybe she thought it would be a convient place to find it later...We had a good chuckle over it...
Well it didnt take long my brother went back to the gf... My mom said she would tell me about it tomorrow she didnt want to talk about it yet... I guess he likes being misserable...
Funny thing tonight hubby comes into the bedroom and tells me i have to see what the baby did, he couldnt just tell me cause it would loose the funniness of it... He told me to go into the kitchen and look at the sliding doors... There stuck to the door was the oreo cookie she was eating earlier i guess she was done with it ? Or maybe she thought it would be a convient place to find it later...We had a good chuckle over it...
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Today was a blah day... I woke up in pain, my back bothered me through out the night and when i woke it was still bothering me... I also had a headache that just kept getting worse throughout the day... So i left work early i really didnt want to use the sick time but it was getting so bad... I got home had some lunch and went to bed...
Nothing much going on here... Havent talked to my brother so not sure if he is still at moms or if he went back to the gf... I am hoping to get out of the house tomorrow, get R some snow boots and maybe snow pants... I want to get paint for the new babies room i am looking at light shades of violet and mauve... I need to talk to my mom about renewing the cell phone contract too... We got a promotion in the mail and i would like to take advantage of it... My credit sucks so mom got us the cell phones... Hubbys phone has been going down hill for months, and it got worse after he cracked the screen... So new phones would be nice...
Oh well nothing eles to babble about so going to doodle some designs... Blessings to all
Nothing much going on here... Havent talked to my brother so not sure if he is still at moms or if he went back to the gf... I am hoping to get out of the house tomorrow, get R some snow boots and maybe snow pants... I want to get paint for the new babies room i am looking at light shades of violet and mauve... I need to talk to my mom about renewing the cell phone contract too... We got a promotion in the mail and i would like to take advantage of it... My credit sucks so mom got us the cell phones... Hubbys phone has been going down hill for months, and it got worse after he cracked the screen... So new phones would be nice...
Oh well nothing eles to babble about so going to doodle some designs... Blessings to all
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Met with the diabeties people today... This time it was a lot better than when i had the first baby... That lady just confused me and just didnt do a good job... This time i had a nutrisionist (sp) there and the other lady... And they explained things so much better... I also dont have to get all that diabetic food like last time... I also got a new meter from them... I just have to remember to call the regular doc tomorrow for a script for the test strips...
Looks my brother and his gf are on the outs... Will he go back? Who knows if he will... The relationship had issues and it just kept getting worse... It got to the point my brother wasnt aloud to go out, talk to any of his friends, call his family, she checked his cell phone voice messages, etc... I kept telling him if you are that unhappy get the hell out... Bad thing is he bought two cars and he put the title in her name...He is going to get copies of the bill of sales but i told him dont hold your breath... She doesnt want to give anythng back, she even wants him to pay for the tail light he broke... Its his car... So he threw 7 bucks on the table and said here thats all your going to get... I just wish i could have seen the fights they have gotten into... I saw some when they lived across the way but she never totally let her guard down... I dont think she wanted to look bad in my eyes... This way she could weave her story and for a time i would believe her but she messed up one time in front of me and i have never trusted her since then... She likes to play the victim... I think things will get worse before it gets better... Its just a big ole' soap opera...
Looks my brother and his gf are on the outs... Will he go back? Who knows if he will... The relationship had issues and it just kept getting worse... It got to the point my brother wasnt aloud to go out, talk to any of his friends, call his family, she checked his cell phone voice messages, etc... I kept telling him if you are that unhappy get the hell out... Bad thing is he bought two cars and he put the title in her name...He is going to get copies of the bill of sales but i told him dont hold your breath... She doesnt want to give anythng back, she even wants him to pay for the tail light he broke... Its his car... So he threw 7 bucks on the table and said here thats all your going to get... I just wish i could have seen the fights they have gotten into... I saw some when they lived across the way but she never totally let her guard down... I dont think she wanted to look bad in my eyes... This way she could weave her story and for a time i would believe her but she messed up one time in front of me and i have never trusted her since then... She likes to play the victim... I think things will get worse before it gets better... Its just a big ole' soap opera...
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Today went for my monthly prenatal check up... Everything is going good... Now i am starting the two week visits then the weekly visits... Its coming up fast... Its amazing how fast it goes by except in the begining when your head is in the toilet... She is an active little one... took the doc a min or so to get her in one spot to check her heart rate... I meet the diabetic lady on wednesday...
Nothing eles too exciting happend today... hugs to all
Nothing eles too exciting happend today... hugs to all
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Well things seem to have quieted down... Last night the power flickered on and off..I looked out the windown and i was snowing before that it was rain so i was a bit worried that we were in for an ice storm of some sort...We had some accumulation but when the sun finally came out mide afternoon it melted it all... We have had flurries on and off but that is about it... I guess we were lucking reading the news on cnn looks like there were poweroutages all over the northeast due to high winds... I think i am going to price generators this weekend see how much they are and talk to my mom see if she wants to go in on one... Even if we only use it once a year it would be worth it to know we can cook or if the winter have heat...
Baby has been having fun today... Rowena is her kitty... She lets her play with her, pull her tail etc... I was in the kitchen making some pasta and she was laughing up a storm... Seems her and the kitty were playing chase... It was the cutest thing to watch she would chase the kitty and then the kitty would chase her... And they would do it over and over... Was too cute and put a smile on my face...
I had a crappy night sleeping so i was up on and off but so groggy... Not sure why i was so out of it... I woke up around 11am i think... But i am still tired...
I have been making things on and off all afternoon... Playing around with ideas and all... Baby likes to watch me when i make things... she loves looking at the beads... she thinks they are tiny balls...
Well i think i am going to lay down for a bit... hugs and love to all
Baby has been having fun today... Rowena is her kitty... She lets her play with her, pull her tail etc... I was in the kitchen making some pasta and she was laughing up a storm... Seems her and the kitty were playing chase... It was the cutest thing to watch she would chase the kitty and then the kitty would chase her... And they would do it over and over... Was too cute and put a smile on my face...
I had a crappy night sleeping so i was up on and off but so groggy... Not sure why i was so out of it... I woke up around 11am i think... But i am still tired...
I have been making things on and off all afternoon... Playing around with ideas and all... Baby likes to watch me when i make things... she loves looking at the beads... she thinks they are tiny balls...
Well i think i am going to lay down for a bit... hugs and love to all
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Well this is going to be my new blogging home... So if ya wanna find out what is going on with me this is the place...
I had training this week and i am exhausted... So much to learn and i dont know if i know what i am doing... I am trying to keep the mind frame of one day at a time and do the best i can... That is all i can do or i will go crazy i think...
I have spent most of the day in bed sleeping or just relaxing... My back has been really bothering me... Right now i am on a harry potter marathon, i am watching all the movies and baby is here with me with her kitty blanket... She is just so funny... I love when she looks at me and tilts her head to the side talks to me in baby talk i have no clue what she is saying but she is so serious... She just fills my heart...
Nothing much eles going on, just been really tired, brain fried from training, and trying to take it easy... I have my prenatal visit on monday... I have to make a list of questions to ask the doc... Wonder if they will have me go early like they did with the first baby... ? I also meet with the diabetic lady this wednesday, will price meters in town there and make up my mind where to buy from... Well i think i am going to go relax ... Hugs and love to all.....
I had training this week and i am exhausted... So much to learn and i dont know if i know what i am doing... I am trying to keep the mind frame of one day at a time and do the best i can... That is all i can do or i will go crazy i think...
I have spent most of the day in bed sleeping or just relaxing... My back has been really bothering me... Right now i am on a harry potter marathon, i am watching all the movies and baby is here with me with her kitty blanket... She is just so funny... I love when she looks at me and tilts her head to the side talks to me in baby talk i have no clue what she is saying but she is so serious... She just fills my heart...
Nothing much eles going on, just been really tired, brain fried from training, and trying to take it easy... I have my prenatal visit on monday... I have to make a list of questions to ask the doc... Wonder if they will have me go early like they did with the first baby... ? I also meet with the diabetic lady this wednesday, will price meters in town there and make up my mind where to buy from... Well i think i am going to go relax ... Hugs and love to all.....
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Not too much going on here... Been hurting last few days... My back that is... Today we went to the mall and i think i did too much i was sitting on the bed when we got home and i was almost in tears my back ached so bad... I just wanted to get out of the house and shop a little bit... Went into bath and body to smell the new stuff they got out... Yummy.. Stopped in the gap to see how the much the red t-shirts they have are... Prices arent too bad i think i will get one and add one to my xmas list... Money goes to help people with hiv in africa...
Baby had fun for the most part... She loves to look at people other baby's etc... She had fun at taco bell too... We sat across from another little girl so she just babbled thru the meal... She is too cute...
We went into Michaels so i could get some beads... I had to put some back i didnt realize how much i picked out... Almost 90 dollars worth of jewelry making stuff... Figures the stuff i want was the one thing not on sale... So i will have to wait and go back and get more stuff... So i am also waiting for some stuff i got off of ebay and some goddess beads... I really need to sit down and organize what i want to make... What i will need etc... I did take inventory of beads and pendants i do have... I then need to make a list of what i will still need... Too many ideas floating around in my head... Its all witchy based stuff i want to make... I am having too much fun... Hubby is like you're always doodling... I am making sketches of what i want to make...
I get to have training this week at work and i am alittle nervous... Its for the programs for the company that took us over in august... I am sure i will do fine, its just finding my grove in things...
I have a baby blanket i really need to get working on and finish... I did this last time too... Made blankets at the last minute... I still need to finish and get the room ready for the new baby as well... I just need to get another shelf for the mudroom i just cant afford it right now... Once i get things cleaned out and hubby gets the room painted things will move along nicely... I am going for a light purple in this room...
Well i am going to run and put my feet up after i get a fresh ice pack... Hugs and love to all
Baby had fun for the most part... She loves to look at people other baby's etc... She had fun at taco bell too... We sat across from another little girl so she just babbled thru the meal... She is too cute...
We went into Michaels so i could get some beads... I had to put some back i didnt realize how much i picked out... Almost 90 dollars worth of jewelry making stuff... Figures the stuff i want was the one thing not on sale... So i will have to wait and go back and get more stuff... So i am also waiting for some stuff i got off of ebay and some goddess beads... I really need to sit down and organize what i want to make... What i will need etc... I did take inventory of beads and pendants i do have... I then need to make a list of what i will still need... Too many ideas floating around in my head... Its all witchy based stuff i want to make... I am having too much fun... Hubby is like you're always doodling... I am making sketches of what i want to make...
I get to have training this week at work and i am alittle nervous... Its for the programs for the company that took us over in august... I am sure i will do fine, its just finding my grove in things...
I have a baby blanket i really need to get working on and finish... I did this last time too... Made blankets at the last minute... I still need to finish and get the room ready for the new baby as well... I just need to get another shelf for the mudroom i just cant afford it right now... Once i get things cleaned out and hubby gets the room painted things will move along nicely... I am going for a light purple in this room...
Well i am going to run and put my feet up after i get a fresh ice pack... Hugs and love to all
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Things went ok at work today... I felt like crap, my back and legs are still bothering me from the slip in the kitchen the other night but hopefully it will get better soon... So i have been trying to take it easy as much as i can... Otherwise i have been feeling ok... One thing i have had with this pregnancy is depression... It was really bad in the begining and i was feeling guilty for feeling so down and not happy about being pregnant... I was crying all the time and hubby was worried so at one of my prenatal visits i mentioned it to my doctor and she asked me if i wanted to try medication... I knew i had to do something i couldnt stand feeling like that anymore... And she said if i didnt like the way i felt i could always stop... So she gave me a script for prozac... I have been taking it for a few months and glad i brought it up... I am stuborn when it comes to things like that, feeling at times it made me weak if i let the depressions control me and then if i needed meds i felt weak... I think that stems from things from my mom... But i am glad i got help... I started to feel better i was happier and i crawled out of the hole i felt i was in... I dont want to be on the meds forever but for as long as i need the help i will take them... And i think i am stronger for realizing i had a problem and got help...
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Today was a so so day... I did run out to walmart to get some water and a few other things... I ran into angie and her daughter i havent seen them for some time... I always seem to run into her at walmart... We did get flurries today but nothing stuck... thank the goddess... I have to drive to work two days this week by myself and i hate driving in bad weather... I didnt stay out too long today my back and other things were killing me... I slipped in the kitchen last night and i think some things got pulled i just know i was sore today... It sucked... So I spent the afternon in bed resting... Baby did come in and she took a nap with me... It was sweet... She just amazes me... I thank the goddess every day for her and the new little one that is on the way... I talked to my brother for a bit today, he wanted to know if i could drop him off tomorrow to meet his friend but i have to work so i couldnt... Otherwise i would have... To bad it wasnt today, i could have taken him... I stopped by my moms yesturday with baby and my mom gave her a talking donkey the one from shrek.. She LOVES that thing... She took it to bed with her and snuggled right up to it... I did spend a little time tonight making a few things... Need to email the girls and see if they want to have a movie or craft night soon... I was thinking maybe do something with pumpkins... Will have to send some suggestions...Oh well its getting late and i have to be up at 5:30 am... Ugh...
Friday, October 13, 2006

I thought i would share another pic of the little one... She loves her flowers and will point every one of them out to you... It's really cute... Nothing too exciting going on here... I did go and have the one hour and then the three hour sugar test and i have gestational diabeties again... Not sure when i am meeting with the diabeties lady... Hubby will be taking baby to her doc appointment so i will have to talk with the doc later on... I have an my 4 week visit on Oct 30th so its not too far away... In other news looks like buffalo got nailed with snow... It was just really cold and windy here... So far no snow, thank the goddess... I am not ready for snow... I have been making some crafts in my free time... I just love to make things... I have been going thru the jewelry catolog i have and i am making a list of things i want to get so i can start selling some things... It will be fun and extra cash will be nice...
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Well my regular blog is down... I cant get to my posting page... Not sure why so i emailed my host to see what is up... So i am posting here for now... Today is my anniversary... I have been with hubby for 9 years, we have been married for 3 years... Hubby asked me out on oct 4th, we got engaged oct 4th and got married on oct 4th... Pretty easy to remember hugh?... We exchanged cards this morning... Hubby also got me the new Evanescence cd and i am listening to it right now... I like it so far... I will have to listen to it a few more times to see what i think... Its different from fallen... But i am enjoying it ... I havent been feeling all that well the last few days... Between my back and my head i dont know which is worse... And i am so tired too...I go on friday to have my bloodwork done for sugar test and also to see if my iron and everything is where it should be... I am hoping not to have gestational diabeties again... In other news baby has been a real character lately... The other night i go into her room and find her with no top on and she had poopie up her back... So i get her all changed and cleaned up and redressed... I go back into my room that is right next to hers and a few min later i hear the diaper thing going... She did it a few times before i got up to see what was going on... This time she was totally naked... She put her diaper in the diaper thingie and also her clothes she was trying to make it all go down... So i redressed her again and told hubby later and we had a good chuckle... Then tonight i take her coat off when she gets home she takes it and runs into the kitchen hubby follows her and she is trying to throw her coat out in the kitchen garbage pail... She puts her tissues and things in the garbage but now she is trying to throw her clothes out... She is just too funny at times... Oh well i have babbled on long enough...
Sunday, October 01, 2006
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