The holidays have been good here... Hubby wrapped up the presents last night while I finished a tote bag for one of my sil... I also had to find a frame for a pic of hubby and his mom dancing at our wedding that I wanted to give her...
We went to my moms on x-mas eve... We have always done it that way, which is nice cause then the next day we go to hubbys moms and dads... So mom got me another pair of pjs, so I got a flannel pair and fleece set... I got a jacket early so I could wear it when the weather was still good to wear that jacket... She got me a cute santa fairy for the tree, and bro and sil got me some perfume and lotions... I know I am forgetting something but I cant think what... lol...
At hubbys dads I got a set of snack trays, a great wrap blanket, a few jewelry making tools and an assortment of beads, and a ring sizer... I also got a lovely pair of diamond earrings and a fleece pair of pjs from his dad... His sister got us a gc for one of the local restaurants and will watch the kids so hubby and I can have a date night... That will be so nice since I cant think of the last date night we had... Oh and hubbys dad found some old beaded lace from the 1890's that was taken off of a coat... It is so pretty... Not sure what I am going to do with it yet... I took pictures but will post them tomorrow after I upload them...
At hubbys moms I got another pair of flannel pj's with pink and purple stars on them, I love those... And a gc for old navy...
Hubby and I havent done xmas for us yet, that should be this weekend... Money was tight so we decided to do us after and shop for family and the kids...
Well I am going to run... Its almost 2:30... I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday...
Brightest Blessings from my family to yours...
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
My doctor on maternity leave....
I got a letter in the mail today about how they are welcoming a physicians assistant to the office to help when my doc is on leave and when she comes back... She can do all the things my doc can do, she has been working for another doctor and has a good background... She also happens to be my sil best friend... She seems very smart, I didnt care for her as a teenager, she was a bit snotty... Ive seen her a few times over the past year and she seems ok... Just not sure how I feel about letting her give me my 6month paps... I guess I will give her a chance and see how I feel after that... Who knows she might feel weird and have someone else do it...
And a quick note, I did send out holiday cards just have to check with hubby to see if he actually sent them... It was easier for me to give them to him than for me to have to load two kids in the car to go down to the P.O. during the summer or warmer times its not so bad cause I leave the door open and have full view of the car... But with it being cold I wouldnt want to leave the door open... And before anyone gets huffy about me leaving my kids in the car, I live in a very small town, the post office is so small I am not far from my kids and park in full view of the door... I should get a pic of down town so you could see how small it is... You blink you would miss it... We have a p.o., a health clinic, a furniture restoration place, then cross the street, you have insurance place, town hall, and historic building with library on second floor... We used to have a place to buy groceries and get quick food but it burned down... And no one has rebuilt it...
Oh well, off to bed... Nighty Nite....
And a quick note, I did send out holiday cards just have to check with hubby to see if he actually sent them... It was easier for me to give them to him than for me to have to load two kids in the car to go down to the P.O. during the summer or warmer times its not so bad cause I leave the door open and have full view of the car... But with it being cold I wouldnt want to leave the door open... And before anyone gets huffy about me leaving my kids in the car, I live in a very small town, the post office is so small I am not far from my kids and park in full view of the door... I should get a pic of down town so you could see how small it is... You blink you would miss it... We have a p.o., a health clinic, a furniture restoration place, then cross the street, you have insurance place, town hall, and historic building with library on second floor... We used to have a place to buy groceries and get quick food but it burned down... And no one has rebuilt it...
Oh well, off to bed... Nighty Nite....
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Been feeling blah...
I dont know what is up with me lately... I dont know if its the snowy weather that the sun doesnt come thru that is making me feel so down... Or if it is winter blues or what... Yesturday Rhi was getting on my last nerve and I sent hubby a im telling him to come home when he gets out of work, no stopping at the store or anything just come home so I could lock myself in the bedroom for an hour alone... An hour later things were better, we had a nice dinner and by the time hubby got home emma was taking a nap and rhi and I cuddled on the couch for a nap...
I have been tired, havent been sleeping well...
My back has really been bothering me and when i called in for my pain med refill they told me they need to see me... Actually they kind of annoyed me... I told them I hurt my back and would like to see the doc, he had surgery so he wouldnt be able to do any manipulations on me, i said fine i just want to see him, and i needed a refill on y pain meds... Well the NP will probably need to see you since you havent been in in awhile... what were we just talking about... so she tells me someone will call back when its ready and i told them i want to pick it up, ok she says... No call for the rest of the day, no call the next day, I called again and left a message, no one calls me the next day by late afternoon so I call again to then be told again that the doc will want to see me cause this is the last refill he will do till he does, I then told them well i hurt my back and i would like to see him like i told the girl the other day and what happend to my call back? Also they mailed the script in after i told her i would pick it up... I was so annoyed by the time i got off the phone... I got an appointment for Jan 7th, glad I am in pain to wait that long...What is it with pain management doctors...?
I am not ready for the holidays, we still have more shopping to do... and then have to wrap it all...
I wanted to make things for everyone and I am finding it hard to find any inspiration... Plus no time to sit down with beads... I always have one of the girls that need something and when I want to make something I need to have time uninterupted...
I just feel blah...
I have been tired, havent been sleeping well...
My back has really been bothering me and when i called in for my pain med refill they told me they need to see me... Actually they kind of annoyed me... I told them I hurt my back and would like to see the doc, he had surgery so he wouldnt be able to do any manipulations on me, i said fine i just want to see him, and i needed a refill on y pain meds... Well the NP will probably need to see you since you havent been in in awhile... what were we just talking about... so she tells me someone will call back when its ready and i told them i want to pick it up, ok she says... No call for the rest of the day, no call the next day, I called again and left a message, no one calls me the next day by late afternoon so I call again to then be told again that the doc will want to see me cause this is the last refill he will do till he does, I then told them well i hurt my back and i would like to see him like i told the girl the other day and what happend to my call back? Also they mailed the script in after i told her i would pick it up... I was so annoyed by the time i got off the phone... I got an appointment for Jan 7th, glad I am in pain to wait that long...What is it with pain management doctors...?
I am not ready for the holidays, we still have more shopping to do... and then have to wrap it all...
I wanted to make things for everyone and I am finding it hard to find any inspiration... Plus no time to sit down with beads... I always have one of the girls that need something and when I want to make something I need to have time uninterupted...
I just feel blah...
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
What will happen
Read this today... This time of year is just getting horrible... Then there are the comments I tried posting and got my words twisted around like I was trying to turn people into wiccans... This time of year used to bring such joy to me... It was never about religion, it was about giving, now its about who is right who is wrong... Who can display this and not that... Its obvious we cant all get along, some will try to but there will always be someone to ruin the progress...
Monday, December 03, 2007
Update as of 9am.
Fever was 100.9 at 8:25, its breaking... She is a lot cooler to the touch and she has been drinking ginger ale and just had a piece of toast. She is talkative and moving around. I gave her an old digital thermometer and she is taking everythings temp... She holds it up to my freckle on my arm presses the button, looks at it says thank you mom and goes on her way... That freaked me out, her being so warm like that... I am going to lay down for a bit if possible... Hugs to all
Sick Baby
Rhianna is still sick and not getting better... What didnt last too long with me is sticking with her... I barely slept last night, every time she moved I woke up ready with her bucket... I rolled over just a little while ago to snuggle with her and noticed how warm she is... I took her temp and its 102.6, I gave her some tylenol but she got sick shortly after and I am not sure if it stayed down... Looks like it was bile that she threw up, would i see the purple stuff in the yellow? I am not sure, so I have a cold wash cloth on her head and keeping an eye on her... Doctor should be in at 8:30, if she gets worse though it will be to the er I go...
Open for Business....
Yup, I finally got something listed in my Etsy shop... I am hoping to get a few more things listed soon but right now Rhi is sick so she takes priority ... There is a link on the side to my shop, take a look see what I am up to and creating... Hugs
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Recovering Weekend....
Seems some bug is going around... I and hubby felt it on Friday while we were out... I felt like crap we had a lot to do and didnt get 1/2 of it done... I just couldnt deal with shopping, me not able to shop? The world is going to end, lol... So we got at least the things we needed and one present off the list... I felt like crap the rest of the night... I finally fell asleep only to wake up feeling even crappier... I got up to go to the bathroom and felt sick to my stomach, on my way back into the bedroom thank the goddess the garbage pail was in reach... I got sick, I hate getting sick... I didnt have much in my stomach so it hurt to get sick... I spent the rest of the day in bed, feeling like crap but at least I only got sick once... I slept on and off all day... I woke up today feeling so much better... Now Rhianna has it... I felt so bad... she was good most of the day it was when she woke from her nap she came over into my lap telling me it hurts... i was asking her what hurt when i felt her stomach and knew she was going to get sick, hubby got the small pail and she got sick... She seems to be feeling a bit better, got some ginger ale in her and a little bit of toast... Now I just hope emma doesnt get it...
So this weekend not much has been done due to illness... I started getting my cards together and xmas card list started... If you want to exchange cards drop me an email with your address and I will send ya mine... ldydraven(at)yahoo(dot)com. Well going to run...
So this weekend not much has been done due to illness... I started getting my cards together and xmas card list started... If you want to exchange cards drop me an email with your address and I will send ya mine... ldydraven(at)yahoo(dot)com. Well going to run...
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sometimes I just wonder....
Today I got to sleep in a bit and feel a bit better... Still a bit out of it but nothing like yesterday.... Rhianna got sick today, it was the first time I have seen her puke and it didnt bother me like I thought it would... I still cant clean up cat puke but I guess its different when its your kids?
I clean out my desk area and put my laptop in there today... I dont think I have ever put the laptop in the desk area since I got it... Since getting pregnant with Emma I spent a lot of time in the bedroom... It was just more comfortable and after she was born it was easier to stay at that end of the house... I would block off the hall and know that Rhianna was either in her room or in mine.... I've spent almost the past two years in my bedroom... I would stay in bed for hours, could I have been in a funk? I feel a little more human moving around the house, hanging with the kids in the living room.... Its weird...
Tomorrow I need to get to walmart so I can find a new acordian gate, we put the old one up in the kitchen to keep rhianna out of the cabnits and away from the water dispenser... Right now I use a bench to block off the door way and a box... Emma loves to follow her big sister around, its actually cute... She gets so excited, she loves rhi so much... And I love my little babies so much, I still find them amazing everyday... Ive also thought about being a foster parent, havent mentioned that to hubby but I think of all the kids out there that need help... It breaks my heart when I read the news and see what people do to children... I dont understand how someone can hurt a child or kill one... I read that baby grace article on what they did to her and I cant believe someone can be so evil and hurt a child like that... People should have to have a license or take a class or something before becoming parents cause some people should not be aloud to have kids whether they make them or adopt or foster them...
I clean out my desk area and put my laptop in there today... I dont think I have ever put the laptop in the desk area since I got it... Since getting pregnant with Emma I spent a lot of time in the bedroom... It was just more comfortable and after she was born it was easier to stay at that end of the house... I would block off the hall and know that Rhianna was either in her room or in mine.... I've spent almost the past two years in my bedroom... I would stay in bed for hours, could I have been in a funk? I feel a little more human moving around the house, hanging with the kids in the living room.... Its weird...
Tomorrow I need to get to walmart so I can find a new acordian gate, we put the old one up in the kitchen to keep rhianna out of the cabnits and away from the water dispenser... Right now I use a bench to block off the door way and a box... Emma loves to follow her big sister around, its actually cute... She gets so excited, she loves rhi so much... And I love my little babies so much, I still find them amazing everyday... Ive also thought about being a foster parent, havent mentioned that to hubby but I think of all the kids out there that need help... It breaks my heart when I read the news and see what people do to children... I dont understand how someone can hurt a child or kill one... I read that baby grace article on what they did to her and I cant believe someone can be so evil and hurt a child like that... People should have to have a license or take a class or something before becoming parents cause some people should not be aloud to have kids whether they make them or adopt or foster them...
Monday, November 26, 2007
Feeling off...
I got up and felt ehh but nothing too bad... I was reading my book when the words on the page started to get a little off... I looked up and then felt warm and i felt like it my eyesite got bright from the inside out... Does that make sense? Has anyone ever had that happen or something like that... Scared the crap out of me... I stayed seated on the bed but I still didnt feel right so I called my mom... She talked to me for a little while... I asked her to come in when she brought the mail over, this was around 11:30 she was going to get the mail at noon, I think she finally showed up around 3pm... Glad I wasnt passed out on the floor... So I kept the gate up in the hall to keep rhi to her and my room and emma spent a good portion of the day in the play pen but I was terrified if it happened again and I passed out at least they were in safe places... I am feeling a bit better than earlier but still off... Not really sure what it was, if I am not feeling better tomorrow I will call the doc and make an appointment...
I got mad at my mom she let my brother guilt her into giving a bit of money for their dog vet bill... It got hurt and they blame my moms dog... Sorry but that little dog is a prick... He chases all the other dogs and cats... He comes over here yipping at me and rich when we are outside and if that little thing bites my kids, so help them... I am going to tell my brother not to expect anything from my mother, when they got the dog it had kennel cough, and all three of my moms dogs got it and had to go to the vet, now they should have paid for it, nope, nothing... Im glad I dont see them that often cause they piss me the fuck off... In other news sil had that stomach surgery so she can loose weight... Mom says she is still eating like crap and the other day she stuffed herself and puked and she was pretty sure she puked today too... She was not ready for this life change....
Ok going to look on ebay, etsy, and bead stores for something green or red to finish off a Yule strand I did... I need some kind of pendant or larger bead for one side and then I will do dangles off the other end... i think it came out pretty nice, its garnets, dark green seed beads, pearls, and some glass beads from artwearables... Pictures when I finish it.... Hugs to all
I got mad at my mom she let my brother guilt her into giving a bit of money for their dog vet bill... It got hurt and they blame my moms dog... Sorry but that little dog is a prick... He chases all the other dogs and cats... He comes over here yipping at me and rich when we are outside and if that little thing bites my kids, so help them... I am going to tell my brother not to expect anything from my mother, when they got the dog it had kennel cough, and all three of my moms dogs got it and had to go to the vet, now they should have paid for it, nope, nothing... Im glad I dont see them that often cause they piss me the fuck off... In other news sil had that stomach surgery so she can loose weight... Mom says she is still eating like crap and the other day she stuffed herself and puked and she was pretty sure she puked today too... She was not ready for this life change....
Ok going to look on ebay, etsy, and bead stores for something green or red to finish off a Yule strand I did... I need some kind of pendant or larger bead for one side and then I will do dangles off the other end... i think it came out pretty nice, its garnets, dark green seed beads, pearls, and some glass beads from artwearables... Pictures when I finish it.... Hugs to all
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Sleep, Wha's that????
It is almost 5am and I am still up... I started to fall asleep then my stomach started to hurt and I felt like crap... So I took a pepto tab and put the heating pad on my stomach for some reason that felt good and got a piece of peppermint gum... Few hours later and a few pages into a book and I am feeling a bit better... Now I just need to get some sleep but I feel a little restless... I went to cnn to see if there was anything I havent read yet that I would want to read... No new emails... My google reader is quiet as well... No one else is up with me writing on their blogs...
Today was a low key day... We didnt do much plus it was cold outside... I danced around with rhi for a bit and even emma held onto the coffee table and shook her tush all on her own, it was funny... She was enjoying mommy and sissy dancing around the house, she was laughing and smiling... She has this new voice, its this evil little rumble she does its so funny... I'm not sure why she does it unless she is just doing it now to make me laugh cause I cant help myself when she does it...
No poop stories, just my daughter likes to be naked... One minute she can be fully dressed next minute she is running down the hall naked and giggling that evil little kid giggle... I am going to duck tape her clothes to her... Little monster... At least I will have good stories to tell the boys she brings home...
Oh well I think I am going to try and go to sleep... We shall see... Hugs..
Today was a low key day... We didnt do much plus it was cold outside... I danced around with rhi for a bit and even emma held onto the coffee table and shook her tush all on her own, it was funny... She was enjoying mommy and sissy dancing around the house, she was laughing and smiling... She has this new voice, its this evil little rumble she does its so funny... I'm not sure why she does it unless she is just doing it now to make me laugh cause I cant help myself when she does it...
No poop stories, just my daughter likes to be naked... One minute she can be fully dressed next minute she is running down the hall naked and giggling that evil little kid giggle... I am going to duck tape her clothes to her... Little monster... At least I will have good stories to tell the boys she brings home...
Oh well I think I am going to try and go to sleep... We shall see... Hugs..
Friday, November 23, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Hubby's dad gets jewelry from estate sales and other places and resells the stuff... When we come over he lets us go thru it, I found a cute dolphin pin in silver that I am making into a pendant for Rhi since she loves her fishes and I normally dont like yellow gold but These rings were just amazing to me, so hubby will be paying them off... The garnet is actually a rare piece I love it... Hope everyone had a good turkey day... I had a nice day being around family...
Monday, November 19, 2007
Can I glue her diaper on?
Ok, I am at my wits end not knowing how to get it threw rhianna's head that we dont play with poop... Yesturday hubby was playing his game and she was sitting watching a movie, they were in the same room... Hubby looks at her and asks her what do you have? She walks over and hands it to him... A poop nugget... She pulled it out of her diaper and was holding it and when hubby asked her she placed it in his hand... Its getting hard to keep clothes on her too, one minute she is fully clothed next minute she is butt nakid...
This morning I woke with a migraine, I had to take my zomig and thank the goddess I did... I thought rhi was asleep, I hear her in her room saying hi, hi... She is looking out the window I am guessing since hunters were parking... I go to her doorway and she is nakid and has poop smeared all over her, its on the floor, its on her tv and dvd player, she smeared it all over the tv screen... I just shook my head, I didnt know what eles to do... I went then and started a bath for her and told her not to move till I was ready... Then I opened the gate and told her to get in the bath.... And please dont touch me or anything while on your way there... I let her soak while I cleaned up her room, got all the bedding cause I dont know what is dirty, so I am just washing it all... I can laugh about it now but I really dont know what to do.... How do I keep her clothes on, how do I stop her from playing with her poop? Why does she like to play with it, it stinks... Ugh if anyone has any ideas leave a comment... lol..
This morning I woke with a migraine, I had to take my zomig and thank the goddess I did... I thought rhi was asleep, I hear her in her room saying hi, hi... She is looking out the window I am guessing since hunters were parking... I go to her doorway and she is nakid and has poop smeared all over her, its on the floor, its on her tv and dvd player, she smeared it all over the tv screen... I just shook my head, I didnt know what eles to do... I went then and started a bath for her and told her not to move till I was ready... Then I opened the gate and told her to get in the bath.... And please dont touch me or anything while on your way there... I let her soak while I cleaned up her room, got all the bedding cause I dont know what is dirty, so I am just washing it all... I can laugh about it now but I really dont know what to do.... How do I keep her clothes on, how do I stop her from playing with her poop? Why does she like to play with it, it stinks... Ugh if anyone has any ideas leave a comment... lol..
Friday, November 16, 2007
Too fast....
Emma stood up on her own today... She is growing up so fast... She has been using things to pull herself up well today she put her hands down and straightened out her legs and just pushed herself up... She did it many times after that... I got some pictures too but I still have to load them on the pc... She was having way too much fun...
Not much else going on here, its cold and dreary here... Been snowing and sleeting... Nice day to spend inside and just veg out... Hubby got shrek the third yesterday, we have watched that twice... Its cute... Hubby also got me the new Duran Duran cd... I have loaded it on my ipod but i havent had a chance to listen to it yet... I started to play one song but had to turn it off... Maybe later I will finally get to listen to it... Hubby also got his expansion for his online game everquest (evercrack), it took him all night to get it on his pc... It didnt download right the first time so he had to start again... He's been playing all day and loving it... He's been enjoying playing it more now that he got the new pc with the good video card in it, he has all the graphics turned up as far as they will go and he can play... I wish I could get into playing it so we could play together but I just cant get into it, we have installed it a few times and I play once or twice and thats about it... Oh well...
I'm going to relax my head is hurting a bit and so is my back I slept weird last night and I was locked up this morning... I need to do my exercises but I will do that tomorrow when my head doesnt hurt... Have a good night...
Not much else going on here, its cold and dreary here... Been snowing and sleeting... Nice day to spend inside and just veg out... Hubby got shrek the third yesterday, we have watched that twice... Its cute... Hubby also got me the new Duran Duran cd... I have loaded it on my ipod but i havent had a chance to listen to it yet... I started to play one song but had to turn it off... Maybe later I will finally get to listen to it... Hubby also got his expansion for his online game everquest (evercrack), it took him all night to get it on his pc... It didnt download right the first time so he had to start again... He's been playing all day and loving it... He's been enjoying playing it more now that he got the new pc with the good video card in it, he has all the graphics turned up as far as they will go and he can play... I wish I could get into playing it so we could play together but I just cant get into it, we have installed it a few times and I play once or twice and thats about it... Oh well...
I'm going to relax my head is hurting a bit and so is my back I slept weird last night and I was locked up this morning... I need to do my exercises but I will do that tomorrow when my head doesnt hurt... Have a good night...
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Whats been going on
Not a whole lot.... Lack of sleep for one... Rhianna will not stay asleep at night so she will fall asleep at 9pm and wake up a few hours later and be up all night... And she doesnt want to be alone so she keeps calling me into her room.... I am exhausted... I have been trying to take naps here and there but its not helping... And last night was horrible, at least now we can laugh about it at the time though we just kept thinking what is wrong with our kid... I should have known something was up, it was too quiet in there as i tried to drift off to sleep and then I heard her at the gate and hubby got up and then he woke me up... She had taken off her diaper, and her diaper had poop in it... And it was ALL over her... Hands, face , body... Trying to get a bath going and not having her touch anything including us... She of course wants to be held, and we keep backing away saying "dont touch me"... So hubby had the job of cleaning her up and I went to clean up her room... I am guessing she wanted playdough to play with but she has let it all dry up so she decided to use her poo... Yep folks, there sitting on her night stand was a pile of poo and she was mushing it together molding into a mass so she could press her toys into it... Namely her unicorn horse... It had to be wiped down with a clorox wipe and what a pain in the ass it was to clean that thing... Then her bed needed to be striped, washed off... Then her night stand was cleaned off and disinffected, and then i put all her toys away... Then hubby and i switched places he was cleaning in her room while i scrubbed rhi's head since i wasnt sure if she had anythign in her hair... I do not know what possessed her to play with her poop... I told my mom today our adventure last night and after she got done laughing she said i never did that... Its funny now, hubby and i joked about it later that thankfully she didnt mold it into little animal shapes to play with .... The joys of motherhood... lol
Otherwise not a lot going on here... Taking pictures of things and trying to figure out etsy to get things listed.... So hopfully in the next few days that will be up and running.... Well going to find something to eat and watch tv with the kids...
Otherwise not a lot going on here... Taking pictures of things and trying to figure out etsy to get things listed.... So hopfully in the next few days that will be up and running.... Well going to find something to eat and watch tv with the kids...
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Playing around
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Saturday fun
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Merry Samhain
Just wanted to wish all my witchy friends a Merry Samhain... And to all the none pagans Happy Halloween... I will try and post pics tomorrow or rhi's first time trick or treating... She had so much fun... Blessings to All...
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
For laughs
Friday, October 26, 2007
That was when i woke up and my head was hurting... A migraine coming on, so I took two hydrocordone and went back to sleep... I woke up later and my head was still pounding and worse, so I took my migraine meds... I dont normally like to take them when home alone with the kids but I was hurting so bad... I tried to relax in bed, two hours later the zomig didnt even touch the pain so I am aloud one more dose for the day of that med so I took it... two hours later I was calling up my sil to see if she could come over and watch the kids while i tried to rest... She wasnt home but she would be on her way soon... By the time she got here the pain was worse, I had her take me to the ER and my brother stayed here with my kids... I got an IV hook up, a full bag of fluids, a shot for pain and a shot of imetrex (sp) in the stomach to see if that would help my head... I at first didnt think it was going to work... It took a little bit of time but the pain was gone... I hate being in that much pain... I felt like crap cause I couldnt take care of my kids... I could barely feed emma a jar of food... When I got home I thanked my sil again and my brother and hugged my kids and told them mommy was sorry she was so sick... I know some things cant be helped but I felt so bad... I still feel bad for emma cause she cant have booba till tomorrow but she has taken bottles , not happy too but she took them... Little monster... Hecate must know I dont feel good she has been glued to me since this morning, following me every where and sleeping on me, right now i am sitting indian style and she is curled up in the nook of my legs... I am hoping tomorrow I can get a lot of things done tomorrow... I have two sewing projects I want to finish and get mailed out... I also made a fabric shrug from scratch, I had no pattern, I made my own from wrapping paper... I think it came out pretty good, I will also try to get pictures tomorrow... Well I am going to go and try and get to bed... I havent been sleeping all that well this week... I toss and turn and wake up and cant fall back asleep for hours... Its starting to drive me a little batty... Hugs to all...
Monday, October 22, 2007
Weekend rap up
We didn't do a lot this weekend... We ran to the store to get some things we needed, got Rhi some new pants and shirts... She finally fits into pants other than sweat pants, wooo hooo... She is a tiny one... Emma cut her first tooth last week... So now I am worried about getting bit... I cant imagine getting my nipple nipped... I cant believe I have breast feed for this long, its nice to be able to have this bonding time with Emma...
I have been stressing this week, I am not really sure why... I have been having panic attacks the past few days and I think its cause I haven't been sleeping well and stress... So I have been trying to keep busy so I don't think so much...
I am thinking of opening an etsy store... I have gone through the set up part of it to sell and I have my banner up
now I just have to get things together and pictures taken... I have no idea how all of this works so I will be reading a lot on the help stuff on etsy... My main confusion is postage, how do you figure it out on what to charge? If anyone has a store all ready and can give me a few tips I would be really thankful ... I just want to be able to bring in a little bit of money here and there, I think that is part of my stress my unemployment ended and I want to figure out a way to stay home still with the kids... We aren't having money issues but I have worked since I was 12, and the holidays are coming up and I feel really weird asking hubby for money to buy his presents... Is that weird? So my store will have jewelry, prayer beads, totes, and hats I am thinking for now...
Oh we got pumpkins on Saturday, we went to one of the farmers markets... I don't think rhi knew what to make of all the pumpkins, then the dog showed up and she was more interested in him till he walked away... So we got a small pumpkin for her, a decent size one, and then two white pumpkins... I wanted to get corn stalks but we had hubby's car and it wouldn't have fit in it... And then I would have had to get hay... I had an idea for the front of the house to make it festive... Maybe I will still do it... I will have to crop the pictures of rhi and the pumpkin's, that if i remember I will post tomorrow... Well I think I have rambled on enough and I am feeling a bit calmer... So I am going to try and get some sleep or at least relax, it is almost 2am... Hugs to all
I have been stressing this week, I am not really sure why... I have been having panic attacks the past few days and I think its cause I haven't been sleeping well and stress... So I have been trying to keep busy so I don't think so much...
I am thinking of opening an etsy store... I have gone through the set up part of it to sell and I have my banner up
now I just have to get things together and pictures taken... I have no idea how all of this works so I will be reading a lot on the help stuff on etsy... My main confusion is postage, how do you figure it out on what to charge? If anyone has a store all ready and can give me a few tips I would be really thankful ... I just want to be able to bring in a little bit of money here and there, I think that is part of my stress my unemployment ended and I want to figure out a way to stay home still with the kids... We aren't having money issues but I have worked since I was 12, and the holidays are coming up and I feel really weird asking hubby for money to buy his presents... Is that weird? So my store will have jewelry, prayer beads, totes, and hats I am thinking for now...
Oh we got pumpkins on Saturday, we went to one of the farmers markets... I don't think rhi knew what to make of all the pumpkins, then the dog showed up and she was more interested in him till he walked away... So we got a small pumpkin for her, a decent size one, and then two white pumpkins... I wanted to get corn stalks but we had hubby's car and it wouldn't have fit in it... And then I would have had to get hay... I had an idea for the front of the house to make it festive... Maybe I will still do it... I will have to crop the pictures of rhi and the pumpkin's, that if i remember I will post tomorrow... Well I think I have rambled on enough and I am feeling a bit calmer... So I am going to try and get some sleep or at least relax, it is almost 2am... Hugs to all
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Hubby loves me....
Hehehehe, its funny, hubby goes to a work thing today, all kinds of vendors and stuff for internet companys... They of course have all kinds of goodies to give them... Hubby comes home with pens, all different kinds, he had one or two that he really wanted but then told me I could have what I wanted... LOL he knows I love pens and when people are giving them away he will get as many as he can I think I counted 21... I wasnt greedy I picked a few and he gave me a pad set from IBM, a cute little keychain flash light, another personal flashlight from dell for the house, he got two... Gave one to me and one to rhi... I like having a flash light by the bed incase the lights go out... Some of those pens though are really nice, heavy metal ones... I of course had to test them all to see which ones write nice... He said they had a few raffles going on too for ipods, motorola walkie talkies and some other things...
In other funny stuff, rhi comes in to me today with her long necklace under her chin and her nose and she has it gripped up by the top of her head, like her new horses with the bridals on... She even said horse... Couldnt get the camera quick enough for that one... I was LMAO... The imagination of that one....
I did get a costume for her yesterday too for trick or treating... Now just have to figure out where we are going... Its a fairy costume... I picked out a few and held them all up to see which one she liked... I think for emma I am going to use the kitty costume for her, i also have a pumpkin bodysuit and pumpkin socks... They did have a cute snow white costume for emma too... but I didnt get it... I got myself some purple and black striped stockings and a witch hat and I have a velvet laced up top to wear, just not sure of skirt or pants to wear... I am kinda looking foward to this... I also have my ren dress I could wear too now that it would fit again... Fun fun... Oh well I should run... hugs to all
In other funny stuff, rhi comes in to me today with her long necklace under her chin and her nose and she has it gripped up by the top of her head, like her new horses with the bridals on... She even said horse... Couldnt get the camera quick enough for that one... I was LMAO... The imagination of that one....
I did get a costume for her yesterday too for trick or treating... Now just have to figure out where we are going... Its a fairy costume... I picked out a few and held them all up to see which one she liked... I think for emma I am going to use the kitty costume for her, i also have a pumpkin bodysuit and pumpkin socks... They did have a cute snow white costume for emma too... but I didnt get it... I got myself some purple and black striped stockings and a witch hat and I have a velvet laced up top to wear, just not sure of skirt or pants to wear... I am kinda looking foward to this... I also have my ren dress I could wear too now that it would fit again... Fun fun... Oh well I should run... hugs to all
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Hanging at Home....
I have just not felt like going anywhere this weekend... We talked about going to the bigger shopping area but like I said I just havent felt like going anywhere...
I did go by my moms yesterday and brought rhi's cousins over... So she got to play for a bit and she had a good time... I got a good chunk of laundry done yesterday which was good... Now I just got towels and blankets to do...
At 5pm today my buddy was waiting for me... Hooka was waiting for his cup of food that I have been leaving for him... He saw me got down and came to me and he is like hecate very talkative for a cat... He lets me pet him and pick him up , which for him is a big thing... He comes now when I call him too... He is just a big goofy cat and I love him...
I did play a bit with some jewelry stuff... I had the urge to play with stuff... I started a pendant, just not sure where to go from here with it...
Oh well dirty diaper calls... Hugs to all
I did go by my moms yesterday and brought rhi's cousins over... So she got to play for a bit and she had a good time... I got a good chunk of laundry done yesterday which was good... Now I just got towels and blankets to do...
At 5pm today my buddy was waiting for me... Hooka was waiting for his cup of food that I have been leaving for him... He saw me got down and came to me and he is like hecate very talkative for a cat... He lets me pet him and pick him up , which for him is a big thing... He comes now when I call him too... He is just a big goofy cat and I love him...
I did play a bit with some jewelry stuff... I had the urge to play with stuff... I started a pendant, just not sure where to go from here with it...
Oh well dirty diaper calls... Hugs to all
Friday, October 05, 2007
It Was Our....
Anniversary yesterday.... Married for 4 years but together for 10 wonderful years... Just blows my mind that we have been together for 10 years... It was funny I got up when hubby was suppose to be going to work, I almost walked in on him filling out the card... He comes into the bedroom gives me my card and gift... I love my card its so pretty, and he got me a car tuner for my ipod... Now I dont have to go looking for the cords to plug in or worry about dropping it and looking for it... It now has a home and it comes with all sizes so I can put my other ipod in it too... Then found out he took the day off, so he got back into bed and we cuddled for a few more hours... We then got up, got the kids dressed etc and headed out... We went to olive garden to eat, I wanted to try something new... It was ok, probably would never go there again though... I was just expecting something different... Oh well... I got to be with my family so its all good... Hubby also got me a new lens for my camera... He got me the zoom 55-200... I havent played around too much with it but I think it is going to be alot of fun... I have only gotten hubby a card, and he is going to tell me something for his pc i can buy for him... He never tells me what he wants and if he does its usually pc parts that he has to tell me where to go to get them... lol So it was a very lovely day... And today is friday so he will be home soon and we will have the weekend together :)...
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Monday, October 01, 2007
Shoot Me
I started getting a migraine in the middle of the night, I thought I got rid of it, NOPE.... I had to take my migraine meds... I think its going, I still dont feel right... I havent had much of an appetite all weekend and today... I have been forcing myself to eat today...I thought I looked very pale this morning... I also got my period again... I had it on sept 13 and it started again on sept 26... I have never had a cycle like this... Called the doc she mentioned birth control to regulate me but I dont want to use that yet... I just feel like crap, my mom came over and stayed with me for a bit just till I felt a little better and not scared to be alone... I got upset and she hugged me and let me cry... My brother and his wife even came over to check on me... Even Rhi is helping she is playing with her sister and they are keeping each other busy... Hubby should be home soon...
Hugs to all...
Hugs to all...
Thursday, September 27, 2007
And I hope it lasts... Its kinda cloudy and over cast today and raining on and off but its been cooler than the last few days... I want fall weather, I dont want summer weather... Well I got my nose pierced today... I went there yesterday and they were closed... So packed up the kids again today and went back to the shop, but I did call just to make sure they were open and that someone would be there to do piercings... It wasnt as bad as I thought it could have been... I think it was more uncomfortable when they have to flare up your nose with the clamp... So I have a cute little purple stud... Rhi keeps looking at it and wants to keep touching it... I love it... Other than that we didnt do much today... We went and got french fries after since Rhi was so good at the place and then we came home, snuggled and took a nap...
When hubby got home we finally watched knocked up... Its cute... Oh well off to bed...
When hubby got home we finally watched knocked up... Its cute... Oh well off to bed...
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Weekend rap up
Well yesterday was pagan pride day in rochester so after being lazy all morning I decided I wanted to go... I was a bit disappointed, two vendors that were there last year werent there this year, and last year there were more people there and it was raining... This year it was sunny and not a lot of people... We didnt stay very long either... The one friend I was hoping to see I didnt... Did run into someone eles I know... So I got 3 books, the celtic book of seasonal meditations by claire hamilton, Healing with flower and gemstone essences and healing with gemstones and crystals by diane stein and 4 art prints by jessica galbreth... We then went to the joanns etc... Their bead section has grown since the last time I had been there... We went to target as well just to browse... I got the cutest coffee mug, its a cauldron... I love it, I might have to get another one just to have a back up... We then came home I was getting tired and my back was bothering me...
Today was one of our nephews bday party, I was not up to sitting on hard benches, so me and emma stayed home... I then noticed flea's on my bed... So much for taking it easy... I stripped my bed, rhi's bed, got all the blankets and anything that has touched the floor and put it out in the mudroom to be washed.... I then vacuumed the beds, floors, sofa, chairs, etc... I will be hurting tomorrow... I have gotten one cat bathed, two are outside and I cant get them in yet... They will be getting a bath as well... So rowena kitty is giving me the evil eye right now... She is not happy with me...
Got a message from mil, sil will be having a c-section on friday if the baby doesnt turn by then... She thinks she might have turned but I dont know how many times I thought that with emma...
Well going to see if next load of laundry needs to go in... Toodles for now...
Today was one of our nephews bday party, I was not up to sitting on hard benches, so me and emma stayed home... I then noticed flea's on my bed... So much for taking it easy... I stripped my bed, rhi's bed, got all the blankets and anything that has touched the floor and put it out in the mudroom to be washed.... I then vacuumed the beds, floors, sofa, chairs, etc... I will be hurting tomorrow... I have gotten one cat bathed, two are outside and I cant get them in yet... They will be getting a bath as well... So rowena kitty is giving me the evil eye right now... She is not happy with me...
Got a message from mil, sil will be having a c-section on friday if the baby doesnt turn by then... She thinks she might have turned but I dont know how many times I thought that with emma...
Well going to see if next load of laundry needs to go in... Toodles for now...
Friday, September 21, 2007
Update on SIL
Sil didnt have to wait until thursday, she called and was able to get the ultrasound done on wednesday... Mil called me that night to tell me... The baby looks good but is breach, she isnt loosing fluid but i guess with the way the baby is she really doenst have alot of room... Havent heard yet on what they are going to do, wait and see if she turns or if she will be taken early by c-section... With the position the baby is in straight up, with one arm up I dont see how she will turn but things can happen... Again mil talked about how much we dont like this doctor, she was telling sil that the baby was head down and in the right position... ? At least if she has a c-section this doctor will not be doing it... So still waiting to see what will be done but at least we know the baby is ok...
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I just got off the phone with my mother in law, she doesnt want us to worry but wanted to let us know that sil that is pregnant and due oct 3 has to go for an ultrasound on thursday... She hasnt gained any weight and her uterus hasnt gotten any bigger... It could be nothing, or it could be complications... Both mil and me dont know why they are waiting till thursday... The doc could hear her heartbeat... We dont like her doctor... Didnt like her the first time, and I dont like her still... My doc would have had this all ready done... I am just hoping everything is ok...
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
We are having phone issues, so that means internet issues as well, we have no phone at all and internet is spotty i can get on for a few min if i reboot the modem, makes no sense... So if you dont see me for a day or two ya know why... I will be back as soon as i can...
Thursday, September 13, 2007
It's Official
My sister is finally divorced from the sperm doner (sp)... She finally did it and I am so proud of her... I feel like baking a cake and celebrating... lol Funny thing is her ex kept on saying you aren't divorcing me, I don't believe you... He will get his official papers either today or tomorrow... Ha... I am so happy...
Monday, September 10, 2007
Yesturday had a lovely day out with the kids and hubby... We went by the mall and got haircuts, then hubby got me some fabric from joann's and a jacket from old navy that i have wanted... We then got something to eat and then headed to Sams club to get some needed things, we like to buy diapers , wet wipes , paper plates, etc in bulk...
It was such a nice day till I got home and called my mom... She was in tears again... My brother and his wife were fighting again... I could hear them screaming while i was talking to my mom... It is insane how they fight, they should have NEVER have gotten married... We asked him over and over again are you sure? He thought getting married would make it better... He looks to everything else to make it better, thought getting married would make it better, thinks by taking to me i can fix it, thinks starting to go to church will fix things, thinks money will make them happy... He is living in a dream world and i told him he was... Time to grow up and be an adult...
The fight started with bro trying to get the kids to pick up after themselves, these kids have had no structure in their lives so when asked to do anything its like pulling teeth... but instead of standing by my brother , sil wants to look like the good one to these kids so she lets them walk all over my brother... and my brother is feed up, he feels like he opens himself up to these kids and they just cut him down... Now my brother is not perfect, but he took these kids on, got them things they never had before, gave them a home where they could feel safe... I told him they are messed up and dont expect miracles, their mom is a drug addict and who knows what they have seen...
So then my brother and sil start to argue and then my moms dog goes after their dog... Now the last time they lived with my mom she told them NO when they wanted to get a dog, what made this time any different... They just ignored her wishes and tried to make it seem like a good deed cause they got him from a shelter... So now my mom is being made to get rid of her dog... I told my brother last night you were wrong to bring that animal in this house and if anyone is to get rid of an animal its you... he agreed but if sil has anything to say it wont happen... Puppy can be a bit snippy, he is part lab and a very hyper dog but i would rather deal with him than that spitful mini dobby they have... My mom has alot of animals, three dogs of her own and i lost track of cats, her animals dont like coming home since this dog has come into the house...
So my brother tried to hug sil and give her a kiss and she pushed him away and my brother kept trying to force his affections on her, well sil took this as he was choking her and one of the kids decked my brother in the eye... Sil every time my brother and he fight he is trying to kill her...
Now the girl that hit my brother she is a little nut, i told her she had no business getting in their fight, well it started over me so it was my place, no it wasnt... And you had no right hitting him... This kid is famous for when not getting her way calling cps... She has also tried jumping out of moving vehicles and has used the "im going to kill myself " line... When she does that he takes her to the psyc ward at the hospital... he has no idea if she is serious or not and he isnt going to play around with that... I really hope she joins service like she says she wants too, cause either she will get kicked out or they will make her respect people... She has told my mom fuck you i dont know how many times, my mom tells her not to use something and she will take it right in front of her... She also sneaks off with things as well, these kids have no clue how to ask permission to use things that arent theirs...
My mom is scared to death of sil as well, she is afraid sil wants her dead and wants to make sure i am the only one in control of anything... my sister wont come to visit either cause of an insident that happend too... mom and sis went to get gas, sis bf was left at the house with mj... MJ was playing on the trampoline with all the other kids, and my brother asked bf to help him with something, now sil and her cousin were right there and the older kids were there too, do you think any of them could have watched this poor kid while bf helped my brother ... NO, MJ fell off the trampoline and sil's cousin had the nerve to call my sister a shitty mother... This chick doenst know my sister... How dare you tell her that... My sister is not the best mother, but she is trying , she is divorcing her abusive husband and trying to make a life for herself she is also taking parenting classes to be a better mom and learn to deal with things... Did you happen to tell your cousin what a shitty mom she was when she was drugging it and lost custody of her kids?
So now my sister doesnt want to come and see my mom while sil is living at the house... I will get in touch with her to have a talk with her... She will not cower to sil... I stired the pot yesturday myself... I gave my mom two cards, one for grandparents day, and one just to make her giggle but inside i wrote, i love you we might not always agree but i will always be there for you and in the end come hell or high water i will be there but i dont expect that time any time soon cause i cant imagine my life with out her, and also no one speaks for me, and you will not die alone... my mom left the cards on the table , well sil who says she never reads my moms mail, is all upset now cause of the card ... Feels i am pointing fingers at her... Well if you didnt say it then you have nothing to feel guilty about, but since it is bothering you guess you did say something like that...
Also found out she threatened my mom told her she would wipe her up and down the drive way, i told my mom if she ever says that again that i will kick her ass up and down the drive way and i will be right over to do it... My mom is 66 yrs old, you dont threaten her when she is giving you a place to live... She likes to throw things in your face if my brother helps my mom, lets face it , my brother owes her... So a little help here and there should not be thrown up all the time... They borrowed 800 bucks from my mom, bro did a few things so i think she took 700... Sil was pissed off that he had to pay it back... This comes from the girl that made my brother pay her back for the used truck she bought him...
She also wont let him use the computer she got, so he told her she cant use his car now, she then threatened to cancel the insurance, he said do that and you owe me one thousand dollars for the payment i just made... I dont know how they live like that... They are married they should be working together not keeping track on what monies are being put out... Its horrible... I told my brother, hubby took me out, we had lunch, he paid for my haircut, got me a jacket, etc but he doesnt expect anything back... If i was in bro's place i would have NEVER gotten married... I think they should get a divorce and walk away... I dont see how they will make it work without killing one another...
It was such a nice day till I got home and called my mom... She was in tears again... My brother and his wife were fighting again... I could hear them screaming while i was talking to my mom... It is insane how they fight, they should have NEVER have gotten married... We asked him over and over again are you sure? He thought getting married would make it better... He looks to everything else to make it better, thought getting married would make it better, thinks by taking to me i can fix it, thinks starting to go to church will fix things, thinks money will make them happy... He is living in a dream world and i told him he was... Time to grow up and be an adult...
The fight started with bro trying to get the kids to pick up after themselves, these kids have had no structure in their lives so when asked to do anything its like pulling teeth... but instead of standing by my brother , sil wants to look like the good one to these kids so she lets them walk all over my brother... and my brother is feed up, he feels like he opens himself up to these kids and they just cut him down... Now my brother is not perfect, but he took these kids on, got them things they never had before, gave them a home where they could feel safe... I told him they are messed up and dont expect miracles, their mom is a drug addict and who knows what they have seen...
So then my brother and sil start to argue and then my moms dog goes after their dog... Now the last time they lived with my mom she told them NO when they wanted to get a dog, what made this time any different... They just ignored her wishes and tried to make it seem like a good deed cause they got him from a shelter... So now my mom is being made to get rid of her dog... I told my brother last night you were wrong to bring that animal in this house and if anyone is to get rid of an animal its you... he agreed but if sil has anything to say it wont happen... Puppy can be a bit snippy, he is part lab and a very hyper dog but i would rather deal with him than that spitful mini dobby they have... My mom has alot of animals, three dogs of her own and i lost track of cats, her animals dont like coming home since this dog has come into the house...
So my brother tried to hug sil and give her a kiss and she pushed him away and my brother kept trying to force his affections on her, well sil took this as he was choking her and one of the kids decked my brother in the eye... Sil every time my brother and he fight he is trying to kill her...
Now the girl that hit my brother she is a little nut, i told her she had no business getting in their fight, well it started over me so it was my place, no it wasnt... And you had no right hitting him... This kid is famous for when not getting her way calling cps... She has also tried jumping out of moving vehicles and has used the "im going to kill myself " line... When she does that he takes her to the psyc ward at the hospital... he has no idea if she is serious or not and he isnt going to play around with that... I really hope she joins service like she says she wants too, cause either she will get kicked out or they will make her respect people... She has told my mom fuck you i dont know how many times, my mom tells her not to use something and she will take it right in front of her... She also sneaks off with things as well, these kids have no clue how to ask permission to use things that arent theirs...
My mom is scared to death of sil as well, she is afraid sil wants her dead and wants to make sure i am the only one in control of anything... my sister wont come to visit either cause of an insident that happend too... mom and sis went to get gas, sis bf was left at the house with mj... MJ was playing on the trampoline with all the other kids, and my brother asked bf to help him with something, now sil and her cousin were right there and the older kids were there too, do you think any of them could have watched this poor kid while bf helped my brother ... NO, MJ fell off the trampoline and sil's cousin had the nerve to call my sister a shitty mother... This chick doenst know my sister... How dare you tell her that... My sister is not the best mother, but she is trying , she is divorcing her abusive husband and trying to make a life for herself she is also taking parenting classes to be a better mom and learn to deal with things... Did you happen to tell your cousin what a shitty mom she was when she was drugging it and lost custody of her kids?
So now my sister doesnt want to come and see my mom while sil is living at the house... I will get in touch with her to have a talk with her... She will not cower to sil... I stired the pot yesturday myself... I gave my mom two cards, one for grandparents day, and one just to make her giggle but inside i wrote, i love you we might not always agree but i will always be there for you and in the end come hell or high water i will be there but i dont expect that time any time soon cause i cant imagine my life with out her, and also no one speaks for me, and you will not die alone... my mom left the cards on the table , well sil who says she never reads my moms mail, is all upset now cause of the card ... Feels i am pointing fingers at her... Well if you didnt say it then you have nothing to feel guilty about, but since it is bothering you guess you did say something like that...
Also found out she threatened my mom told her she would wipe her up and down the drive way, i told my mom if she ever says that again that i will kick her ass up and down the drive way and i will be right over to do it... My mom is 66 yrs old, you dont threaten her when she is giving you a place to live... She likes to throw things in your face if my brother helps my mom, lets face it , my brother owes her... So a little help here and there should not be thrown up all the time... They borrowed 800 bucks from my mom, bro did a few things so i think she took 700... Sil was pissed off that he had to pay it back... This comes from the girl that made my brother pay her back for the used truck she bought him...
She also wont let him use the computer she got, so he told her she cant use his car now, she then threatened to cancel the insurance, he said do that and you owe me one thousand dollars for the payment i just made... I dont know how they live like that... They are married they should be working together not keeping track on what monies are being put out... Its horrible... I told my brother, hubby took me out, we had lunch, he paid for my haircut, got me a jacket, etc but he doesnt expect anything back... If i was in bro's place i would have NEVER gotten married... I think they should get a divorce and walk away... I dont see how they will make it work without killing one another...
Friday, September 07, 2007
I got off the phone a little while ago with my mom, she called me upset... And I am upset now... I am really starting to want to disown my brother... The older he gets the more of a prick he turns into... My brother thinks he is mr wonderful... That everyone loves him and he does so much for others... Lets see the ones who love him so much, those are the people who only call when he has a car or money... when he was sick with cancer the phone barely rang... The people he does so much for are the same people that use him... Can ya lend me this or lend me that oh i'll get it back to you or pay you back and that never happens... Little bro also has a habit of lending things, that arent his... If its in my moms garage or house he thinks he can lend it out... without asking mom... cause he knows if he asked she would tell him to fuck off... things over the years have disappeared out of the garage slowly... Mom goes looking for things and they are no longer there... my bro used to blame sis or her hubby or her boyfriends but she no longer lives in the area and cant visit alot due to limited money and transportation... And he better never look at my husband... we have our own stuff and we do return things we borrow... I was also told i do nothing for my mom... same with my sis... alot of this stems from when my mom was in the hospital , this was back when rhi was born and my maternity leave was up and i had to go back to work... I had no choice... the days i could go to the hospital i did before i went back... And I went to the hospital whenever i could after work... When mom came home bro and sil had the job of taking care of mom... I was working , they werent... Neither of them had a job and could stay with her and help her... If I was home I would have taken care of her... Believe me my mom didnt like being that weak and helpless... My mom has always taken care of everyone wasnt used to being on the opposite side... So this is constantly thrown up at me... but by my mom not my brother or his wife cause neither of them has the balls to say it to my face... The only thing sil has said she would never do it again if it happens again... My mom is terrified that if anything happens to her and someone said they could pull the plug that sil would be more than happy to do it... Mom is making sure that all paper work is in order and that NOTHING gets done without MY say... My brother has been in so much trouble all his life and my mom has bent over backwards to get him out of it... does my brother remember any of this? NO of course not... Its all about what he does, the little things he does for her that he throws in her face... He is all ready trying to get out of giving her money for living in her house... He moved back in thinking he could get a free ride... Lets use mom, she'll take it... there is so much more to vent about but i am fried... But something is going to be said to my brother and his wife... I dont need anyone defending me, I am a big girl and if i had something to say I will... I think sometimes the reason I dont say anything right away to my mom is one i dont want to say it in anger and I was raised to respect my elders... SIL wasnt taught any manners... I at one time liked this girl but am learning to hate her... And my brother he is just a waste of space right now... My brother messures things in money value, not what you do as a person... I am there for my mother even if i was pissed at my mom if she needed me i would be there for her... And sorry to say sil my mother will not die alone... I will be there for her... So go Fuck yourself and you dont speak for me...
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
She Crawls...
Emma crawled for the first time tonight... I was printing some things out so I had her in the living room with me and she was on the floor and she crawled... I knew it was only a matter of time, she has been getting up in the position and rocking like a mad woman... She has done little army crawls and has found other ways to get around but tonight she did it... Tomorrow I am going to set up the camera to get some video...
Slowly we are all getting better from this nasty cold we have... Emma has it but not as bad as rhi and I have had it... Hubby hasnt gotten it but he did get a nasty sunburn the other day...
I helped my mom tonight set up her user account to pay her credit card bill online... She came over pretty upset... My brother and his lovely wife and even the kids they have custody of treat her like crap in her own home... The put her down, snoop thru her stuff, use her and abuse her... I am pretty sick of it... And I am going to say something to my brother... Basically just going to tell him, you are living in moms house, under her roof, she is not the easiest person to live with all the time but you respect her and you kiss her ass.. otherwise you take your wife and the three kids and what ever animals you have and get the fuck out... she is doing you a favor since you cant afford to live on your own, even if you did just buy a new car, and all kinds of goodies... Its all about using mom, you want to live off of her pay her barely anything so you can keep what ever money you have in your pocket... And when you do her a favor you seem to think you are doing some great deed... and throw it in her face... How quickly we forget you little fucker how she took care of you when you had cancer, ran you to the hospital goddess only knows how many times when you wouldnt tell anyone you were reacting to the chemo bad or you werent feeling well which ment you had an infection, she ran you to doctors all over the place, took you for testing , got you medical help so you didnt have medical bills out the ass... She made sure you had gas in your car or when you bugged her till she gave in for money or whatever it was you wanted, she just gave it to shut your whinney ass up... and you knew this... She got you lawyers to keep you out of jail when you had so many traffic tickets, she paid your fines, bailed you out of jail, paid your insurance, let you drive her cars, etc... and you have the nerve when you get all that money to try and get out of paying 700 bucks, you cheap fuck... you always say you will pay her back but you almost never do, and if you do she has to nag you to get it back... I know I have bitched about this before and some of the same issues, I just need to vent when I see her that upset... They dont look to do things to be nice they do it to throw it in her face... I told her kick them out... I think i am going to be the bank cause he is all ready trying to get out of paying her for living there... And its not going to float... I dont care if they hate me and finally do leave and I never talk to them again... This is your mother, you dont treat her like this... I have answered the phone when my mom is taking me someplace and the way he calls her up if he was infront of me I would knock him in the nuts...Oh and lets not forget he couldnt help my mom out and put him on his cell plan as an extra line so she would have a cell in case of emergencys... but they could get a phone for her 8 yr old WTF... I wonder if he treats my mom like crap cause its the only woman he can boss around... His wife controls him, and its what she wants that goes... Its 1:40 in the morning and I really want to go and kick my brothers ass... Sometimes I wish I was an only child....
Slowly we are all getting better from this nasty cold we have... Emma has it but not as bad as rhi and I have had it... Hubby hasnt gotten it but he did get a nasty sunburn the other day...
I helped my mom tonight set up her user account to pay her credit card bill online... She came over pretty upset... My brother and his lovely wife and even the kids they have custody of treat her like crap in her own home... The put her down, snoop thru her stuff, use her and abuse her... I am pretty sick of it... And I am going to say something to my brother... Basically just going to tell him, you are living in moms house, under her roof, she is not the easiest person to live with all the time but you respect her and you kiss her ass.. otherwise you take your wife and the three kids and what ever animals you have and get the fuck out... she is doing you a favor since you cant afford to live on your own, even if you did just buy a new car, and all kinds of goodies... Its all about using mom, you want to live off of her pay her barely anything so you can keep what ever money you have in your pocket... And when you do her a favor you seem to think you are doing some great deed... and throw it in her face... How quickly we forget you little fucker how she took care of you when you had cancer, ran you to the hospital goddess only knows how many times when you wouldnt tell anyone you were reacting to the chemo bad or you werent feeling well which ment you had an infection, she ran you to doctors all over the place, took you for testing , got you medical help so you didnt have medical bills out the ass... She made sure you had gas in your car or when you bugged her till she gave in for money or whatever it was you wanted, she just gave it to shut your whinney ass up... and you knew this... She got you lawyers to keep you out of jail when you had so many traffic tickets, she paid your fines, bailed you out of jail, paid your insurance, let you drive her cars, etc... and you have the nerve when you get all that money to try and get out of paying 700 bucks, you cheap fuck... you always say you will pay her back but you almost never do, and if you do she has to nag you to get it back... I know I have bitched about this before and some of the same issues, I just need to vent when I see her that upset... They dont look to do things to be nice they do it to throw it in her face... I told her kick them out... I think i am going to be the bank cause he is all ready trying to get out of paying her for living there... And its not going to float... I dont care if they hate me and finally do leave and I never talk to them again... This is your mother, you dont treat her like this... I have answered the phone when my mom is taking me someplace and the way he calls her up if he was infront of me I would knock him in the nuts...Oh and lets not forget he couldnt help my mom out and put him on his cell plan as an extra line so she would have a cell in case of emergencys... but they could get a phone for her 8 yr old WTF... I wonder if he treats my mom like crap cause its the only woman he can boss around... His wife controls him, and its what she wants that goes... Its 1:40 in the morning and I really want to go and kick my brothers ass... Sometimes I wish I was an only child....
Monday, September 03, 2007
Catch up...
It's been a few days... Havent been feeling too good.. Rhianna got sick and then I got it... Not sure if hubby or emma will get it, I hope not... I was feeling so crappy I had to go to my moms on sat. to use her nebulizer... I was having such a hard time breathing and I just couldnt get the crap to break up... I did my inhaler, took a hot, shower let the steam build up, none of it worked... I finally called her and asked her if I could use her machine... It was exactly what I needed, it started breaking up the crap and by the end of the day my chest was loose... I woke up today able to breath and break up the crap on my own, but my mom said if I needed it again to come over... I think I am going to ask my doc to write me a script for a home machine and medicine... I don't need it often but its nice to know when I do I have it... Poor Rhi woke up at 5am coughing so bad, she got sick... So I made her a hot bath with that vapor bath stuff, then i left the shower on and the sink run with hot water and steamed up the bathroom and put a hot wash cloth on her back and chest... It helped, and by 6am she was back in bed... She must have woke up later for hubby and played a bit and then went back to sleep...
Rhi is a weird child, she does the oddest things at times... Like tonight, I was chatting with jenger and was going to get cough medicine and a cup of hot coffee.. I peeked in her room and she was standing there with a bucket and no pj's just her diaper... She was then showing me the bucket... I took the bucket and tilted it too the light... In the bucket were poop nuggets... Yup poop, she pulled them out of the back of her diaper and put them in the bucket... I do not know what made her do that... So I took the bucket into our bedroom, woke up hubby, laughing, telling him to look in the bucket... He's like what the hell is that, Poop... Who's? Our daughters... He laughed about it, said she was strange... I did changer her diaper and did find evidence that there was poop in there... I was worried that maybe the cat on some odd chance, but nope, it was hers.. So that was my excitement and my funny labor day story...
I also went thru fabric today... I was looking for fun stuff and stuff I had in good quantity... i then took pictures of it... I am thinking of maybe putting some stuff on etsy to sell... Hats, totes, maybe headwraps... Maybe some jewelry and other things too... I also joined a new site Indiepublic I started to add info to it and put some pictures on it... Not a whole lot there yet... Goddess Joy showed me that site...
I can't think of anything else off the top of my head that has been going on, other than my moms constant complaining since my brother and his wife and the kids they are guardians for have moved in with them... Their drug addict mother is out of rehab (she has done this more than once , she does it to stay out of jail) I thought the kids were going to go back with the mom, but so far they are still with my brother... So mom complains about them, my brother complains about her... etc etc... One thing my brother keeps forgetting is this is her house, he should be kissing her ass that she keeps taking him in... Everytime my brother wants to save money or be cheap and not pay rent to someone he moves back in with mom, and she being the idiot takes him in, now he comes with a lot of baggage... My step dad always said you can always come home, but with no baggage... Well he passed away and that's why my brother gets away with this shit... My mom likes to complain, if she didnt have someone to complain about she would die... I'm serious... She has to have something or someone negative in her life to bitch about... But like I said and I have told my brother too, (goes in one ear out the other) it is her house and you should do what ever she says and help out as much as possible and not complain... He bitched about how he helps her out all the time.. Well little bro what about all the times she help you out, getting you thru cancer, getting you a lawyer to keep your ass out of jail, paying your speeding tickets, paying your bail, lending you money and your wife left and right... So when she askes for some money back you pay it... Especially when you get a big chunk of change from SS for something like 19 grand and you go out and buy a new car... So when she asks for the 7 hundred back that you promised you would pay back you do it... And you pay rent or help out with food and the bills when your mom lives on a tight income and you bring including yourself 5 people, one cat and go and get a new dog... Most likely another animal that will be left with her... Everyone except me drops or leaves animals with her... Drives me nuts... ok I think I am done... lol
Have a happy and safe labor day...
Rhi is a weird child, she does the oddest things at times... Like tonight, I was chatting with jenger and was going to get cough medicine and a cup of hot coffee.. I peeked in her room and she was standing there with a bucket and no pj's just her diaper... She was then showing me the bucket... I took the bucket and tilted it too the light... In the bucket were poop nuggets... Yup poop, she pulled them out of the back of her diaper and put them in the bucket... I do not know what made her do that... So I took the bucket into our bedroom, woke up hubby, laughing, telling him to look in the bucket... He's like what the hell is that, Poop... Who's? Our daughters... He laughed about it, said she was strange... I did changer her diaper and did find evidence that there was poop in there... I was worried that maybe the cat on some odd chance, but nope, it was hers.. So that was my excitement and my funny labor day story...
I also went thru fabric today... I was looking for fun stuff and stuff I had in good quantity... i then took pictures of it... I am thinking of maybe putting some stuff on etsy to sell... Hats, totes, maybe headwraps... Maybe some jewelry and other things too... I also joined a new site Indiepublic I started to add info to it and put some pictures on it... Not a whole lot there yet... Goddess Joy showed me that site...
I can't think of anything else off the top of my head that has been going on, other than my moms constant complaining since my brother and his wife and the kids they are guardians for have moved in with them... Their drug addict mother is out of rehab (she has done this more than once , she does it to stay out of jail) I thought the kids were going to go back with the mom, but so far they are still with my brother... So mom complains about them, my brother complains about her... etc etc... One thing my brother keeps forgetting is this is her house, he should be kissing her ass that she keeps taking him in... Everytime my brother wants to save money or be cheap and not pay rent to someone he moves back in with mom, and she being the idiot takes him in, now he comes with a lot of baggage... My step dad always said you can always come home, but with no baggage... Well he passed away and that's why my brother gets away with this shit... My mom likes to complain, if she didnt have someone to complain about she would die... I'm serious... She has to have something or someone negative in her life to bitch about... But like I said and I have told my brother too, (goes in one ear out the other) it is her house and you should do what ever she says and help out as much as possible and not complain... He bitched about how he helps her out all the time.. Well little bro what about all the times she help you out, getting you thru cancer, getting you a lawyer to keep your ass out of jail, paying your speeding tickets, paying your bail, lending you money and your wife left and right... So when she askes for some money back you pay it... Especially when you get a big chunk of change from SS for something like 19 grand and you go out and buy a new car... So when she asks for the 7 hundred back that you promised you would pay back you do it... And you pay rent or help out with food and the bills when your mom lives on a tight income and you bring including yourself 5 people, one cat and go and get a new dog... Most likely another animal that will be left with her... Everyone except me drops or leaves animals with her... Drives me nuts... ok I think I am done... lol
Have a happy and safe labor day...
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
New toy

Hubby got me a new toy this weekend... Nikon D40 slr digital camera... I started taking a few pics today , then took the girls outside today and took more... I have taken 169 pictures so far... LOL... I am loving this camera... I love that it has a quick shutter, my kodak didnt and it drove me nuts... I was always missing the shot... This is just one picture I took today... Now I have to save my money and get the telephoto lens... I think the cheapest I found so far was 249.oo... Yikes... Now I need to print out a few pictures to see how those come out... I am very very happy with this...
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Date with Hubby
Yup hubby and I had our first date out ALONE yesterday... We haven't been out alone in 7-8 months, since Emma has been born... It was nice ... We dropped both girls off at the sitter... Her girls have been wanting to watch Emma since before she was born... They were very happy, so was my sitter... She loves kids... I feel bad that we wont be able to take Rhianna over till we get another car... I like her to still go there cause it gives her a chance to be with other kids... Rhianna has known them since she was 8wks old... Emma did very well... she only got fussy once... She is doing better with people... Normally if anyone she doesn't know gets around her she screams bloody murder...
So hubby and I went to the movies, I finally got to see the Harry Potter movie... I loved it... Still not sure which is my favorite movie yet... Then we went shopping... Nothing major... Diapers for Emma since they have a huge box at BJ's and we got a few movie packs for Rhianna... We then hit staples to fax something out for work for hubby and I went to the pen isle... lol I was in heaven, don't know why I like pens so much lol... And yes I did find some new ones... I also got a ink pack for my printer... we had just got all the refills from walmart spent over 75 dollars, staples had two of them in a value pack for 39.99, that's a great deal since one of them was the color photo ink... so hubby got me that and paid for my pens and I got a free tote too lol... I picked a pink one... I also ran into one of the guys I used to work with... It was nice to see a familiar face... Hear that some of the other people I used to work with are doing well too... I don't miss the job but I miss the people... Its a shame that twc put 1400 + people out of work... We then headed over to Joann's fabric... I got some scrap book paper in the fairytale that I love so much... I just wish they sold it separately... I then got some more tie dyed fabric... This is in darker colors... I have some hats cut out, now I just have to put them together... I tried to turn the lights off early last night since hubby had to get up real early for his first day back to work... After the craft store we went to get something to eat and then headed to go and pick up the girls... It was a nice afternoon together...
Tomorrow is the family reunion... I am looking forward to that... I need to look around to see if i have anything for the auction to donate... And next week is the surprise party for his sister... Busy next two weekends... Well I am going to run, hugs to all....
So hubby and I went to the movies, I finally got to see the Harry Potter movie... I loved it... Still not sure which is my favorite movie yet... Then we went shopping... Nothing major... Diapers for Emma since they have a huge box at BJ's and we got a few movie packs for Rhianna... We then hit staples to fax something out for work for hubby and I went to the pen isle... lol I was in heaven, don't know why I like pens so much lol... And yes I did find some new ones... I also got a ink pack for my printer... we had just got all the refills from walmart spent over 75 dollars, staples had two of them in a value pack for 39.99, that's a great deal since one of them was the color photo ink... so hubby got me that and paid for my pens and I got a free tote too lol... I picked a pink one... I also ran into one of the guys I used to work with... It was nice to see a familiar face... Hear that some of the other people I used to work with are doing well too... I don't miss the job but I miss the people... Its a shame that twc put 1400 + people out of work... We then headed over to Joann's fabric... I got some scrap book paper in the fairytale that I love so much... I just wish they sold it separately... I then got some more tie dyed fabric... This is in darker colors... I have some hats cut out, now I just have to put them together... I tried to turn the lights off early last night since hubby had to get up real early for his first day back to work... After the craft store we went to get something to eat and then headed to go and pick up the girls... It was a nice afternoon together...
Tomorrow is the family reunion... I am looking forward to that... I need to look around to see if i have anything for the auction to donate... And next week is the surprise party for his sister... Busy next two weekends... Well I am going to run, hugs to all....
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Witch Hat
Monday, August 13, 2007
Finished Tote
Well i didnt even attempt to try and play with the sewing machine... I just did it by hand, plus it was better that way... So I will do the next tote that way too... Just debating if I am going to use the quilted lining or not... Hmmmmmm I will think about it while looking the pattern sewing directions... On the finished tote I did put in pockets so I can put things in it... I have photo's of that and the finished tote... So here they are...

Saturday, August 11, 2007
What day is it????
Oh thats right its saturday... where the hell did the week go ? I am so lost on what day it is... I am so out of it... Well hubby did get a better offer with the company they got him more money so he is taking the job... Another thing they are doing too is making it like he never left so he isnt loosing his senority , thats pretty cool... And we will have insurance again at the beginning of next month, that will be nice too...
Last night we all went out to dinner, we dont do that too often go someplace and sit down to eat... We only went to Friendly's but it was sooo good... I was very happy with what i got, i have been wanting steak and shrimp for weeks now and they had it... It was so good... Rhi had fun looking out the window, kids are easy to amuse lol... Then we did some shopping after... I got ink for my printer so i can finally print out some of my pics of the kids... wooo hooo I have a few that i want to do 5x7's i think... I dont think i want to go as big as an 8x10... We were looking at cameras at walmart, they have a nice slr camera that i saw at target the other day, same price too... I really want that camera, nikon 6.1 mp d40... I have been looking at this one and the canon rebel... I have my kodak but i want something I can buy lenses for... I have one that takes film but i want a digital... I take more digital pictures than anything and I like to play with them on my pc and print them out for myself... I took photography in HS but I havent developed film in years and dont remember how to do it for b/w... Not that it was really hard, I think what took the longest was developing the negatives... I spent hours in the dark room in school... Oh well I am going to run... Got some things to check and clean out... Hugs to all
Last night we all went out to dinner, we dont do that too often go someplace and sit down to eat... We only went to Friendly's but it was sooo good... I was very happy with what i got, i have been wanting steak and shrimp for weeks now and they had it... It was so good... Rhi had fun looking out the window, kids are easy to amuse lol... Then we did some shopping after... I got ink for my printer so i can finally print out some of my pics of the kids... wooo hooo I have a few that i want to do 5x7's i think... I dont think i want to go as big as an 8x10... We were looking at cameras at walmart, they have a nice slr camera that i saw at target the other day, same price too... I really want that camera, nikon 6.1 mp d40... I have been looking at this one and the canon rebel... I have my kodak but i want something I can buy lenses for... I have one that takes film but i want a digital... I take more digital pictures than anything and I like to play with them on my pc and print them out for myself... I took photography in HS but I havent developed film in years and dont remember how to do it for b/w... Not that it was really hard, I think what took the longest was developing the negatives... I spent hours in the dark room in school... Oh well I am going to run... Got some things to check and clean out... Hugs to all
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
I really have no patience... I dyed my hair myself... I think I got it all... Find out tomorrow when i have natural light... Its a great red color... I will have to get pictures...
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Rain drops
Keep falling on my head, dada dada, lol... I cant remember the words... Its been raining here all day today... The day has been dreary but that's OK as long as it stays cool... This hot humid weather is the pits...
I did a little bit of cleaning today, going thru things etc... I went thru my lingerie cabinet and got rid of some stuff and organized the rest... Cant remember how many loads of laundry I have done... I did call the doc today and found out how long i had to wait for the migraine meds to be out of my system... Its basically 12 hours from the last pill I take, so I could have started bf baby Saturday night... Should have ask this question a long time ago... So tonight baby and I had a bonding moment, at first she didn't want to take it and I got upset... I think it was the whole rejecting thing... But she took it after i got some milk on her lips... Little monster...
It is nice to know though she will take a reg bottle... So hubby and I are going to have a date night... Dinner and a movie... woo hoo finally getting to go see the HP movie :)It will be nice to go out just the two of us... I cant remember the last time we did that, it was over 8 months ago...
I spent a part of today on Etsy, looking at knitted hats and arm warmers... Hubby thinks I am nuts... But why not look now... I would like arm warmers but I want long ones, at least up to my elbows, I found one seller that had something I liked... Hats on the other hand I couldnt find anything i really liked... I saw a couple of cute beanie type hats, a few rasta hats, I just didnt like the colors they had them in... Oh well its only august, I have a while to look around and see if I find anything I like...
I need to get a haircut I am thinking of going to the salon to do it... I want to let my regular hairdresser do my hair... Not that my sil didn't do a good job... Mary is just so awesome with my hair... I also want to get it colored... I am so bored with it... I want to do my red I think... Its a good time to color, my hair is short, it wont take much to color it or grow out when I get bored... Maybe I will have sil come over and dye it... I think I still have some red dye... I'm just in the mood for some fun... lol I need to get one of those wall mount mirrors so I can see the back of my head and then I would be able to dye my hair myself... I have the urge to do it right now, lol I am very impatient... When I get an idea I want to do it now...
Oh well, think i am going to go and surf around etsy... See what goodies I can find... I wish my new beads would get here soon... I wanna play with something new... lol Hugs to all
I did a little bit of cleaning today, going thru things etc... I went thru my lingerie cabinet and got rid of some stuff and organized the rest... Cant remember how many loads of laundry I have done... I did call the doc today and found out how long i had to wait for the migraine meds to be out of my system... Its basically 12 hours from the last pill I take, so I could have started bf baby Saturday night... Should have ask this question a long time ago... So tonight baby and I had a bonding moment, at first she didn't want to take it and I got upset... I think it was the whole rejecting thing... But she took it after i got some milk on her lips... Little monster...
It is nice to know though she will take a reg bottle... So hubby and I are going to have a date night... Dinner and a movie... woo hoo finally getting to go see the HP movie :)It will be nice to go out just the two of us... I cant remember the last time we did that, it was over 8 months ago...
I spent a part of today on Etsy, looking at knitted hats and arm warmers... Hubby thinks I am nuts... But why not look now... I would like arm warmers but I want long ones, at least up to my elbows, I found one seller that had something I liked... Hats on the other hand I couldnt find anything i really liked... I saw a couple of cute beanie type hats, a few rasta hats, I just didnt like the colors they had them in... Oh well its only august, I have a while to look around and see if I find anything I like...
I need to get a haircut I am thinking of going to the salon to do it... I want to let my regular hairdresser do my hair... Not that my sil didn't do a good job... Mary is just so awesome with my hair... I also want to get it colored... I am so bored with it... I want to do my red I think... Its a good time to color, my hair is short, it wont take much to color it or grow out when I get bored... Maybe I will have sil come over and dye it... I think I still have some red dye... I'm just in the mood for some fun... lol I need to get one of those wall mount mirrors so I can see the back of my head and then I would be able to dye my hair myself... I have the urge to do it right now, lol I am very impatient... When I get an idea I want to do it now...
Oh well, think i am going to go and surf around etsy... See what goodies I can find... I wish my new beads would get here soon... I wanna play with something new... lol Hugs to all
Couldnt think of a tittle... Actually its after midnight so its tuesday... I am just bored... Dont feel like reading or working on bead projects... It was hot here today, its humid and i find that worse... I got so hot while doing laundry that i was walking around in yoga pants and my bra...
We did get to see hubbys family yesturday... First we went by his dads, then over to his moms... Hubbys sister is in town with our nephew... He has gotten so big and he is a little parrot speaks better than Rhi does... But he has the green eyed monster in him when it comes to other kids around his mommy... I hope he does better when its his own sibbling... If not she is going to have a little monster on her hands... They are expecting a little girl and are naming her madeline.... I love that name.... His other sister was at work and the kids are visiting relatives out of state... I wanted to get pictures of all the kids together, oh well next time.... Plus there are some things coming up in the near future so we shall see...
His mom and sis loved my mothers necklace so I was happy I will be making them for christmas presents this year then... I just ordered some nice beads from this one store that goddess joy recommended, I cant wait... :)
My mom pissed hubby off this afternoon, she picks up our mail for us if she is at the post office... She was doing this for us when we couldnt get to the p.o. ourselves due to work scheduals... She is still doing it but she cant get out of the car when she brings the mail , she sits in her car and honks the horn... Which is fine but if your not quick enough she will honk again... Today she honked three times in less than 3 min and then sent dustin to the door and he was yelling in the window... This annoyed hubby to no end... It annoys me too when she gets horn happy... I want to just yell at her... Another thing is she is always giving us the wrong mail... At least its normally all family but it gets annoying... Today she gave us one of her letters and she calls while i am in the middle of pumping, she is coughing in my ear and she always has the volume on her phone cranked so its right in my ear... Smoke another one is all i want to say but she will blame it on her allergies...Allergies, smoking , copd, asthma, take your pick... At least she has been getting smarter about doing things in the heat... We had to yell at her she would go out and do yard work in hot, humid weather when they had heat advisorys on the radio... Crazy woman...
Looks like hubby will be looking for a new job, the one they wanted him for with twc is a lateral move... And its just not worth it, you want us to move to a more expensive area and your not going to give him more money? And then when raise time does come up what are you going to give him 30 cents? And he isnt actually working for the company anymore but your not going to give him his severance if he takes the job... What happend to the promises at the interviews on what you could do? All bullshit I guess? What a fucked up company... The technical field is getting worse and worse, they dont want to help people, they want to do everything cheap... Outsource, and then good luck in whatever country you wind up talking too... Us needs to complain big time to comanys to keep it home... We dont want to talk to a call center in india, where everyone is named joe and doesnt know what the fuck he is talking about... He doesnt understand you you dont understand him and you just get more and more aggrivated...
Oh i could go on and on but I think I will go and relax and watch a movie...
We did get to see hubbys family yesturday... First we went by his dads, then over to his moms... Hubbys sister is in town with our nephew... He has gotten so big and he is a little parrot speaks better than Rhi does... But he has the green eyed monster in him when it comes to other kids around his mommy... I hope he does better when its his own sibbling... If not she is going to have a little monster on her hands... They are expecting a little girl and are naming her madeline.... I love that name.... His other sister was at work and the kids are visiting relatives out of state... I wanted to get pictures of all the kids together, oh well next time.... Plus there are some things coming up in the near future so we shall see...
His mom and sis loved my mothers necklace so I was happy I will be making them for christmas presents this year then... I just ordered some nice beads from this one store that goddess joy recommended, I cant wait... :)
My mom pissed hubby off this afternoon, she picks up our mail for us if she is at the post office... She was doing this for us when we couldnt get to the p.o. ourselves due to work scheduals... She is still doing it but she cant get out of the car when she brings the mail , she sits in her car and honks the horn... Which is fine but if your not quick enough she will honk again... Today she honked three times in less than 3 min and then sent dustin to the door and he was yelling in the window... This annoyed hubby to no end... It annoys me too when she gets horn happy... I want to just yell at her... Another thing is she is always giving us the wrong mail... At least its normally all family but it gets annoying... Today she gave us one of her letters and she calls while i am in the middle of pumping, she is coughing in my ear and she always has the volume on her phone cranked so its right in my ear... Smoke another one is all i want to say but she will blame it on her allergies...Allergies, smoking , copd, asthma, take your pick... At least she has been getting smarter about doing things in the heat... We had to yell at her she would go out and do yard work in hot, humid weather when they had heat advisorys on the radio... Crazy woman...
Looks like hubby will be looking for a new job, the one they wanted him for with twc is a lateral move... And its just not worth it, you want us to move to a more expensive area and your not going to give him more money? And then when raise time does come up what are you going to give him 30 cents? And he isnt actually working for the company anymore but your not going to give him his severance if he takes the job... What happend to the promises at the interviews on what you could do? All bullshit I guess? What a fucked up company... The technical field is getting worse and worse, they dont want to help people, they want to do everything cheap... Outsource, and then good luck in whatever country you wind up talking too... Us needs to complain big time to comanys to keep it home... We dont want to talk to a call center in india, where everyone is named joe and doesnt know what the fuck he is talking about... He doesnt understand you you dont understand him and you just get more and more aggrivated...
Oh i could go on and on but I think I will go and relax and watch a movie...
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Sunday Rambles....
Nothing much going on here today yet... Hubbys sis is coming into town we might go see her today or tomorrow... Not that she lives too far away normally, but 2 hour drive one way is something that we usually plan a weekend for... this way we can spend more time... Her hubby works for a hotel so we get a discount rate when we go out that way which is nice...
Really not a lot going on here yesturday or today... I feel all I do right now is pump to relieve the pressure in my breasts, I didnt realize baby kept them that empty... I guess she did a better job than the pump does getting all the milk out... I think I pumped 4 x yesturday, filling bottles, and my breasts were still heavy... I even took a few benadryl trying to dry them up a bit, Dont think its working... I will call the doc on tuesday if I am still getting so much out of them and they keep filling up the way they do, if anyone knows of a way to dry up milk leave me a comment...
The weather here hasn't been too bad the past few days, yesturday the hi was 81 I think and today right now its 83, not bad if it stays that way... I am just not liking the heat, makes me feel crappy...
Woke up this morning to find Rhianna sleeping in her wagon with her dollies, i missed though her cuddled with them under the blankets... She tucked them in... I went in at one point and rubbed her head, she woke up looked at me i asked her about her babies she put her arm around them and then rubbed their heads... I told her she was a good mommy, she smiled and went back to sleep... She is so cute...
Emma is doing really well on the bottle, we went to a diff bottle and she latches on real good and just sucks them down... So the worry about her and a bottle is not there anymore... I was worried I was going to have a hard time like I did with Rhi... Rhi it took me a few days to break her of the breast... Maybe it was easier since Em was bf for so long... Not sure...
Oh well I should run, got some things to organize outside and then we are going to see family today...
Hugs to all...
Really not a lot going on here yesturday or today... I feel all I do right now is pump to relieve the pressure in my breasts, I didnt realize baby kept them that empty... I guess she did a better job than the pump does getting all the milk out... I think I pumped 4 x yesturday, filling bottles, and my breasts were still heavy... I even took a few benadryl trying to dry them up a bit, Dont think its working... I will call the doc on tuesday if I am still getting so much out of them and they keep filling up the way they do, if anyone knows of a way to dry up milk leave me a comment...
The weather here hasn't been too bad the past few days, yesturday the hi was 81 I think and today right now its 83, not bad if it stays that way... I am just not liking the heat, makes me feel crappy...
Woke up this morning to find Rhianna sleeping in her wagon with her dollies, i missed though her cuddled with them under the blankets... She tucked them in... I went in at one point and rubbed her head, she woke up looked at me i asked her about her babies she put her arm around them and then rubbed their heads... I told her she was a good mommy, she smiled and went back to sleep... She is so cute...
Emma is doing really well on the bottle, we went to a diff bottle and she latches on real good and just sucks them down... So the worry about her and a bottle is not there anymore... I was worried I was going to have a hard time like I did with Rhi... Rhi it took me a few days to break her of the breast... Maybe it was easier since Em was bf for so long... Not sure...
Oh well I should run, got some things to organize outside and then we are going to see family today...
Hugs to all...
Friday, August 03, 2007
Kill me...
Thats how I felt earlier today... I woke up with a migraine, it wasnt too bad so i took my normal stuff and went back to sleep... Well it got 10 x worse... I tried calling my doctor, she must be taking long weekends or something because again i was refered to the er... I cant afford the er right now we dont have insurance... So hubby said well emma will be getting bottle fed now so go take your meds for migraines... I told him he was going to have to work with her because she wont take a bottle from me... He said fine... So I took my meds and tried to go back to sleep... I did get back to sleep for a bit but kept waking up and my head was still bothering me... I was sick to my stomach earlier but didnt get sick, i just stayed very still so not to make myself quezzy... I woke up before my next dose of meds and I was sick to my stomach I gave into it and got sick... My stomach was hurting so bad, and it made my head worse to get sick... I waited for it to calm down and then took my next dose and went back to sleep... This time when i woke up I felt a better... Not 100 % but better... This is when i become a baby, I cant take the pain and I just want to crawl into a hole and die... Another thing i have been emotional because i wasnt working on taking baby off the breast so it was all of a sudden and i miss the little nipple muncher, lol... I have also been pumping and dumping cause i have been so full and it hurts... I want to check with the doc how long this stuff stays in the system and if i can bf in a few days or not , otherwise i need to find a way to dry up my milk... I guess I did good 7 months... Longer than what I did for Rhi but i went back to work with her and it was hard to keep up the bf... Oh well guess i should go relax... hugs to all
Monday, July 30, 2007
Can be a dangerous thing... lol I've just been restless lately... I think its being summer time, not sure what I want to do daily... Still not 100% but getting there, pt is helping and the nerve blocks did help... I need to get on a regular sleep pattern, this 3am stuff is killing me... Well its killing my days... I sleep in when i can or if i am up early i am dragging butt and dont want to do anything... I have also been wanting to get more organized... Clean out alot of things... i want to redo the mudroom and laundry room... I want to paint... I wish I had a bigger house so we could spread out more... I would love to have one room all to myself... Put all my craft stuff in, witchy stuff and be able to close the door... Most days I am happy with my house but it is a small house for 4... I have just been thinking way to much, where i want to go, where i have been the people in my life past and present... I think way too damn much at times...
Other things going on, no more poopie messes thank the goddess... Rhi and I had some fun this evening i got these cute little fairy wings so we both put them on and were dancing in the living room... She is enjoying her new barbie cd for the nutcracker and there are little girl fairys and she wanted to watch that cd with her wings on... I love that she loves simple things i got those wings at the dollar general for a dollar... Emma has started with giving raspberrys, its really cute and she is really loud, i was surprised that it was her doing it i thought it was rhi... Little monster is eating more and more, so far she likes most things we have given her except peas, she didnt seem to care for those... She likes her oatmeal with her fruit mixed in... Rhi likes to get on the bed with emma when she is just hanging out except when she pulls her hair, so i found one of my knit hats and put it on her so her hair was all tucked in and then she was happy... I will have to see if I can find any hats at the store tomorrow in her size... this way she can get close to her sis without her yanking out her hair... She did look cute though in my hat, she has such a cute face, its funny i like her little round head... I just love to look at them and hug them... Rhi is such a lovable kid... I love when she comes up and says awww hug... and has her arms out and hubby and I can just hug alone if she is around she comes over and grabs a leg or wants up... And she will pat ya on the back too... I just love my kids... did i mention i have been really emotional, ? lol... oh well i shoudl try and get some sleep its almost 4am...
Other things going on, no more poopie messes thank the goddess... Rhi and I had some fun this evening i got these cute little fairy wings so we both put them on and were dancing in the living room... She is enjoying her new barbie cd for the nutcracker and there are little girl fairys and she wanted to watch that cd with her wings on... I love that she loves simple things i got those wings at the dollar general for a dollar... Emma has started with giving raspberrys, its really cute and she is really loud, i was surprised that it was her doing it i thought it was rhi... Little monster is eating more and more, so far she likes most things we have given her except peas, she didnt seem to care for those... She likes her oatmeal with her fruit mixed in... Rhi likes to get on the bed with emma when she is just hanging out except when she pulls her hair, so i found one of my knit hats and put it on her so her hair was all tucked in and then she was happy... I will have to see if I can find any hats at the store tomorrow in her size... this way she can get close to her sis without her yanking out her hair... She did look cute though in my hat, she has such a cute face, its funny i like her little round head... I just love to look at them and hug them... Rhi is such a lovable kid... I love when she comes up and says awww hug... and has her arms out and hubby and I can just hug alone if she is around she comes over and grabs a leg or wants up... And she will pat ya on the back too... I just love my kids... did i mention i have been really emotional, ? lol... oh well i shoudl try and get some sleep its almost 4am...
Sunday, July 29, 2007
What a Night....
I was chatting with Jenger, trying to get emma fed while I chatted... Thats the nice part of breastfeeding you dont need hands to do it, just a boppy pillow... How i did without that with rhianna...I am so happy hubby got me one... Anyways i was chatting with J having a good time and hubby comes in and tells me to come look at our daughter... I hear the shower running and i know it cant be good... There she was covered in poo... This is why I put her in onesies... Rhi has a bad habit of putting her hands down the back of her diaper... This happened once before a while back... Well here she was again and it was bad... It was every where... Ya didnt want to touch her... I still had baby attached to me so i told him i would be right back, he started cleaning her, he was in the middle of an evercrack event, so I told him to go and I would finish... So she got hosed off, then scrubbed down, then dried and put in clean clothes (onesie)... I then went back to chatting with J and we were getting ready to call it a night and I was trying to change emma so I could put her down and I got peed on... So had to change baby again, wipe her down, change my pants, take off the top comforter and throw that in the wash... Knock on wood no one threw up... What a night... lol At least I can laugh about it...
Now I cant sleep, I am bored... There is nothing on the movie channels I want to watch so for laughs I put in Rockstar... This movie makes me laugh... Funny thing is I dated guys like this... Oh well, going to surf around...
Now I cant sleep, I am bored... There is nothing on the movie channels I want to watch so for laughs I put in Rockstar... This movie makes me laugh... Funny thing is I dated guys like this... Oh well, going to surf around...
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Word of Mouth or would that be blog?
Over on the side of my blog is a banner for blogathon 2007, its for my single moms life, she is blogging for 24 hours and and she needs sponsors to reach her goal, so if you want to donate 5 bucks or what ever you can afford, its for a good cause...Its to help find a cure for MS... Or if you just want to put a post on your blog to let people know that would be great too and help her out...
Friday, July 27, 2007
Well it's Friday
Even if it is only 15 min into friday... lol... It finally started raining here so hopefully it makes things feel better around here... I am hoping it doesnt keep raining, i want to go out and take pictures... Hubby has been doing a lot of yard work, trimming the creek beds, and cutting down brush... Now we need to mow... I want to take the girls out and take pictures of them and get copies made for family members... I don't think anyone has anything recent of the girls... I also got these cute fairy wings for rhi to play with and I think emma would look cute with them on out in the grass... I havent been doing too much... I was able to recover one book i had that I painted on the cover and hated it so I recovered it with paper... I think it looks pretty... Ive been working on some designs for xmas presents... I am thinking of doing mothers necklaces for all the girls this year... Now its just finding what I want to use and finding a few subs for some stones... One childs b-stone is diamond... I have been slowly reading the HP7 book... I am more than 1/2 way thru... I have been tempted to look at the last chapter to see what happens but I havent and I havent ventured to any websites that might have spoilers on it... Hubby keeps teasing me... Oh well, I am going to go and read a bit and then try and get some sleep, I didnt get much last night for some reason...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
sewing projects

Monday, July 23, 2007
Weekend rap up
Well fridays plans were shot due to waking up with a migraine... A bad one... I was able to get two hydrocordone down at 9am and went back to sleep only to wake up a few hours later worse and when it was time for more meds I was so sick to my stomach that I knew I was not getting anything down my throat... And sure enough not too long after the throwing up started... And it didnt make my head any better, sometimes getting sick helps a headache but not this time, it just made my head hurt more and my stomach was killing me... I called my doc and she was out of the office till monday, so i could go to a clinic that I am not even sure where it was or the er... I opted for the er, more money but I knew where it was and I knew I would get help there... Thank the goddess it didnt take them too long to help me... They put an iv port in me, then the doc came to see me then the nurse brought stuff for the nausea and the pain... I am limited to what they can give me due to still breastfeeding... But what ever they did give me was quick, the nurse said it was heavy duty stuff i was just happy to not be sick to my stomach anymore and the pain to a dull ache... It was around 3 or maybe 4 when we got home, I then went to sleep and didnt wake up till about 10pm or little later... I was still a bit tired but I was feeling a lot better... I did feel good enough to go and get my copy of HP 7... So over to the local walmart I went... Got my book read a page or two when i got home but decided to go to sleep instead...
Saturday was feeling much better we went out for balloon rally, had food from vendors and did a lot of walking... Which for me is good , I guess the nerve blocks and pt is helping because I can do a lot more...
I would have never have been able to do all the walking i did saturday before I began pain management... So I am not 100 % pain free but I am so much better... We were out for most of the day and didnt get home till 9 or 10 I guess... The balloons were suppose to go off at 6:30 but that didnt happen, it was sometime after 8 when they did and I think by that point Rhi didnt care... I really thought she would have gotten a kick out of the balloons... Maybe next year... Also the way they did it kinda sucked this year... Normally you have a whole bunch go off at once and the sky is filled with balloons, this year it was a few here and there... I like the old way...

On sunday we finally got our shopping done... I was still feeling pretty good and was able to walk for some time it wasnt until later that just my leg started bothering me, which was the only thing that bothered me on saturday... We finally found the wagon we wanted for the kids at a good price at target... Bad thing is getting everything we needed in the car, we didnt take everything out of the car from saturday so we had to stuff the car... We go to sams club to buy food and stuff so everything is in bulk... It was funny...
Saturday was feeling much better we went out for balloon rally, had food from vendors and did a lot of walking... Which for me is good , I guess the nerve blocks and pt is helping because I can do a lot more...

On sunday we finally got our shopping done... I was still feeling pretty good and was able to walk for some time it wasnt until later that just my leg started bothering me, which was the only thing that bothered me on saturday... We finally found the wagon we wanted for the kids at a good price at target... Bad thing is getting everything we needed in the car, we didnt take everything out of the car from saturday so we had to stuff the car... We go to sams club to buy food and stuff so everything is in bulk... It was funny...
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